Saturday, April 30, 2016

Ethan's StoryPoem5: The Dark Journey

The Dark Journey

I have been lured by a trail of light
I go fast, then I am soon out of sight.
I start to shudder, boy am I afraid 
I really hope that there are someone at my aid.
I start to stare at the dark abyss
It starts to look like its becoming an eclipse.
I'm walking around at midnight
There is no one I see in my sight
I really hope there is nothing to fight.
I start to retrace my steps I ran
Then there I saw it, the one I left, my clan!
I stared at the lurking sounds
At least I am on the safe grounds.
This is the end of my dark journey
My, did this feel like a tourney.
      I wrote this poem to show how most people feel when they feel worried, or when they feel alone or isolated in different ways. In lines 3-4, "I start to shudder, boy am I afraid I really hope that there are someone at my aid." I elaborated what people's reactions or actions when they are scared or terrified. Also, in lines 5-6, "I start to stare at the dark abyss It starts to look like its becoming an eclipse." I used these lines to show that when you are lost at night time, everything starts to feel more blotched, or starts to feel more dark and black and isolated.
    In the last two lines, lines 14-15, "This is the end of my dark journey My, did this feel like a tourney." I showed on how that the dark scary isolated journey was tough and surprising like a tournament and how that I exaggerated on the difficulty the journey has brought to us.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Ethan's StoryPoem3: Life


Life to everyone is mostly a surprise
Especially love, which is a prize
Life is short, everyone can agree
But make sure you take your time, and be full of glee!
Life is the nature of our souls
In which living, is our goals
Everyone has their own separate roles
Even though, trouble may surprise
There is always another day in which happiness lies
You may run into conflicts
But there are always something to fix
No matter what the problem, what the situation
Someone will always be there in your cooperation
Life to everyone is mostly a surprise
Especially love, which is a prize
     I wrote this poem, "Life" to show everyone what is life in a nutshell. In the lines 3-4, "Life is short, everyone can agree But make sure you take your time, and be full of glee!" I expressed and showed/elaborated that everyone should live a happy life and should not be disappointed or discouraged at all and that the most important part of life, is to be happy and joyful instead of sad and discouraged.
    In lines 8-9, "Even though, trouble may surprise There is always another day in which happiness lies" I elaborated that no matter the trouble or conflict you have faced, there will always be another happy day waiting for you even though the tough day has disappointed you. Another thing is in line 12-13, "No matter what the problem, what the situation, someone will always be there in your cooperation", in these lines, I wrote it to show that if you are in trouble, there will always be people by your side, fighting behind your back.

Jason's Poem-Rain #1

Drip Drop Drip Drop
Splosh Splash Splosh Splash
I hear these sounds as it rains
I look out and see an ocean outside my house
Pitter Patter fills my house

I go out
I see a trickle of rain on my stairs
The splatter of water on the sidewalk
The crashing of water as I jump into puddles
Rain oh rain how unexpected you are

Finally the sun wakes up 
It puts a smile on its face
 I enjoy as if it was a stary night
Sun oh sun how pleasant you are

This poem has the noises that water makes when it rains.It shows how you can enjoy rain.It also shows how you cant have sunshine without a little rain..This means in order to have good things some bad things need to happen first.In the poem I included some personification.I also included some sound effects that rain or water makes.In the last stanza I gave the sun human like features such as giving it a face and smiling.Or describing how it woke up from its sleep.I was inspired to write this poem because when i was younger it use to rain and I usually had to stay inside.But when it stopped raining and all the puddles dried up I would go out and play which I really enjoyed. This shoes how you can't just have good things in life without bad things.Its means your life cant just be a straight line.It has to have some twists and turns and obstacles in your way.  

Daria's poem #3- The Man with a Red Umbrella

I watch the leaves run down the sidewalk.
Chasing and challenging each other to a race.
The world so dark and gloomy,
its the same thing everyday.
The same shades,
of black and grey.
The same mother walking down the street,
with no other.
The same houses dull and gray...
Sadly, I see them every day
The same trees standing tall. 
With strength but no glee
The a sudden color caught my eye!
It wasn't a black, or a grey
It was a joyful bright color.
It was a red
I stared but suddenly it disappears.
I ran down the street and follow it.
I ran faster and faster reach forward to touch it.
But bump into a man and fall back
He turns around and offers his hand I take it and he smiles,
he helps me up gives me his umbrella and quietly walks away.
I look at it             and smile.
It was a bright                red umbrella.
And I carry it                      around with pride.
And a jump                    in my step.
Something felt                                different for once.
For once...

        I was writing poems and this is probably my 3rd one I liked and deiced to write about. I couldn't think of any ideas to write about. So I thought about things that happened to me recently. Nothing good came up it me in mind. but then I remember recently i went to Poconos and it was raining and me and my mom had no umbrella. So we ran together trying to get out of the rain, (we were going to a party.) And there was a man at the end of the street who had a umbrella and gave the umbrella to me. Quietly he said, "you can keep it," and walked away. I found it funny because everyone had like dark-colored umbrellas and we had a bright, happy, and vibrant umbrella. 
        I took the original story and changed it a little bit. Like since every one had dark umbrellas, I deiced to make everything dark colored and boring. For example,"The world so dark and gloomy, its the same thing everyday." Also, (if you couldn't tell) I tried to make the poem text form into a man. For no reason at all. To me it just makes it more appealing to look at then a regular looking poem. I also made it dark in the start of the poem then had it ombre to light red then darker then darker then lighter then a little darker then a vibrant red color. I liked the way th poem is formed and colored, and all in all this poem is currently my favorite. 

Darai's poem #2-The Gift of Life

Poem 2 for the story poems-
The gift of life
Everyday is a gift
Not many people see it
Life gives you a chance to be in this world
That chance wasn't given by mistake.
Take advantage
The beginning is always the hardest,
So hang in!
A long journey always start with a step

Life gives a chance to see the world in front of you
It lets you meet people and make friends
But sometimes you'll have to say goodbye to loved ones

Even when you're pulled down
Use the opposite force to push yourself up.
If you get a challenge use it to remember,
God gives the most hardest challenges
To his most bravest soldiers alive.

And don't forget if you ever fail,
Life gives you a second chance.
Its called tomorrow.
I wrote this poem because sometimes life can hard and upsetting but there is always a light to guide you. Even if you don't have a perfect life, to be honest, no one does! You always have to remember to think happy thoughts.When I was writing in my book ( I carry around a little book just in case i get bored) I wanted to write a poem and wasn't sure what to write about. So I started surfing the internet for any ideas or inspiration for a poem. I saw some quotes and decided to write a poem about hard ships and challenges.
I wanted this poem to be inspiring and heart-lifting to people in need of love and kindness. 
I wrote, "A long journey always starts with a step," because one, its true, if your going on a journey of a lifetime, your not going anywhere if you didn't even take one step. And two, I wrote it based on a famous Confucius quote," A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." I like quote and used it in my poem to go with the idea of the poem. I wrote"The beginning is always the hardest,So hang in!" because its true with almost any scenario. Like lets say the first day of school. Most children don't come to school knowing everything they need to know for college and high school. And if you did good for you!( Then what was the point to come to school?) Most children come to school scared and confused but excited to learn. lets say your just learning how to spell. At first its challenging for you. Its a completely new topic and idea being submitted into your brain. But the more you write the more you get use to it and the better you get. Think about a time you tried something new for the first time. It was probably really hard for you. Its not like the first time you tried gymnastics or volleyball you were a ultimate pro and should be in the Olympics. And if that has possibly happened to you, there's always room for improving. Sometimes when you try something you seen many times before, your body kind of knows what its doing and its not as hard. 
I was proud of how the poem turned out. I mostly like the ending the most.

Ethan's StoryPoem2: A New Start

A New Start

I went to a different new place
New places, new faces
It just gave me a feeling of oasis
Maybe I can restart
Maybe I can grow a bigger heart
Maybe I can be a little more smart
This can be a new beginning
Is that why I am grinning?
Is this a new life I am printing?
This could be a dramatic change,
Maybe I could rearrange
Its not that strange.
This is a new start
I can grow a bigger heart
I can throw away my old part.
      I wrote this poem, "A New Start" to explain that there are difficult parts in life in which you have to overcome, you can enter a new journey that can bring you many different wonders and possibly change your life from the old one that you used to have.
This can be seen on line 1-3, "I went to a different new place New places, New faces It just gave me a feeling of oasis". Another reason why I wrote this poem is to show that you can change for the greater good. This can be seen on lines 4-6, "Maybe I can restart Maybe I can grow a bigger heart Maybe I can be a little more smart". This quote shows that you can change your life by adjusting what you were doing back then.
    In the poem, on the last 3 lines, "This is a new start I can grow a bigger heart I can throw away my old part." I wrote these last lines to show that you can forget what was in the past and move on to what is going on now instead of looking back to the past. In lines 10-12, "This could be a dramatic change, Maybe I can rearrange Its not that strange." I explained that what you can change what you can do and you can change what you used to do and adjust it and rearrange it.

Daria's poem #1- Chase your Dreams

My poem #1
         Why follow your dreams?
            Following is when you do the same
 As something else.
             If you’re following your dreams   
You’ll never reach them
            They’ll always be in front and you behind
         That's why you should chase them
          So you’ll get ahead of your dream
          So that dream you're in front of ?
You already past it,
Forget about it!
Why?,you ask
So that you can make the next one bigger

I wrote this poem because I wanted to show that you should chase your dreams and that's its better than following. I never liked the idea of "follow your dream," because if your following your dream, you'll keep getting so close to it, but you'll always fall back. So I thought, if your going to follow your dream forever, it wont ever come true. So I wrote this poem to show you can chase your dream to catch up to it so then you beat it, so then you can make your next dream bigger and better and harder to catch. Even if you think you cant catch it s better to fail trying then think about how your life would be if you reached it.
         I wrote this poem based on a popular quote, "Don't follow your dreams chase." When i first heard someone say that I liked the quote and thought it would be a good idea for a poem. The poem above was really just continuing the quote a little more and explain it. The quote never said why you should   follow  chase your dreams. So that's what I added in the poem, "  If you’re following your dreams ,you’ll never reach them, they’ll always be in front and you behind ,that's why you should chase them." Also when i thought about the quote it never gave an idea about what would happen if you reach your dream. What will you do? Continue knowing you reached your dream? Or maybe start a new goal to chase? So I added the idea of that since you beat your goal and dream, make a new and more challenging one." So that dream you're in front of ?You already past it.Forget about it!Why?,you ask.So that you can make the next one bigger."
I thought the poem who turn out with a dramatic tone with it, but as i read it in my head it was read with more of a happy and heart lifting tone. I was glad with  the way this poem turned out. When I was writing it i wasn't sure how it would turn out. But it came out perfectly and just how I wanted it.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ethan's StoryPoem1: I had a dream

I had a dream

                           1                   I had a dream
That the world was a better place,
A world that would be easier to face.
I had a dream
                     5                 That we were free of war,
In which made this country sore.
I had a dream
That peace and harmony filled the universe,
Let equality disperse.
                        10                                   I had a dream
That equality of race and gender was true,
As if they were no clue.
I had a dream
That the world would be a better place,
                  15          A world that would be easier to face.

     I wrote this poem, "I had a dream" because I wanted to show everyone how important it is to keep this world a better place without fights and wars etc. I wrote this poem to show how we can fix the world. This can be seen on line 8, "That peace and harmony filled the universe," I wrote this poem to describe how this world is still full with chaos and commotion. This poem describes on how I describe my feelings about how the world is now and how the world is if everything was if all the problems were resolved.
     I described most of the worlds biggest problems that we are currently facing. Such as; Inequality, Wars, No peace or harmony. When I said "I had a dream That the world would be a better place," I explained that the world we live in right now, barely has any resolved problems. I wrote this poem to show on how that people who live in this world needs a bigger heart and a selfless mind. These people also need to think about what the consequences are. People that I am describing is terrorists. Like I said in the poem, if our world has peace and harmony, we wouldn't have problems or conflicts anymore. 
    I repeated lines 13-15 from 1-3 because I wanted to show how important it is to keep this world safe and healthy. In the lines 7-9, I elaborated on what if peace and harmony contaminated the world. In lines 4-6, I showed how much damage wars can do to our country/world. This can be seen in lines 4-6, "That we were free of war, in which made this country sore."

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Leather and a feather
It's all you really need
To create a poem like a breeze
Growing out from a seed
Thrown onto your paper and your imagination
Runs wild and free
Ideas flow like a river
A river of anything
And everything you can imagine
Bursting through the dirt
A poem grows among your ideas

This poem is about how you create a poem and how your ideas flow like a river. I've compared several things to nature, for example the poem grows from a small idea, a seed idea in fact.
And soon you small idea can grow and will grow into a tree and countinue to grow with your ideas
This poem was also comparing ideas to things such as rivers in which they both endlessly flow into a huge ocean.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Wandering shadows

A cold breeze swept across the night
Leaving a trail of lurking shadows
The swirled and pranced a howl of smoke
Spread over the terrain

The dark night grew luminous and the moon shined
Through the shadows

The shadows screeched and scratched soon
Echoing into the darkness

It drifted along by hearing the sound
Of wandering shadows

          This poem is explaining the sounds of the echoes during the night and how shadows came to be. This idea sprung up when I was thinking about how shadows follow you, and the shuffles you hear during the night. This poem can be interpreted in different ways, as I've mentioned I interpreted it that it explains shadows and the echoes of the night, depending on how you look at it, it has several things it can represent also depending on perspective

Angelina's Story Poem #3             

Life Base

 I'd like to live a life that's full and long. 
So now I'll begin with a happy song,
That describes the planner of life for me. 
What to do, and who to see.

I must be fit and stay really strong. 
In order to protect for long. 
Giving up is just so wrong.
I ring my bell, ding-dong ding-dong.

On a sporty day I'll wear a cap,
And take it off to be polite, or a nap.
On a  fun note, I'll wear a party hat,
Or sun glasses, or rainbow socks, or meerkat. 

I wish every thing were pretty.
Or cute, like a kitty.
Organize everything, being clean.
Nothing nasty to be seen.

My life be splendid, perfect, good,
And put on a big blue hood.
Draw a picture: vi-su-a-lize,
Then give me all your hows and whys.

                          ~Angelina Lambros 

Angelina's Story Journal #3

         I wrote the poem "Life Base" to describe what I plan on doing in life. I used the phrase "I'd like to live a life that's full and long," because that's what me, and mostly everyone else wants. I also said, "I must be fit and stay really strong." This shows that I feel that everyone should stay fit and exercise in order to maintain a healthy body. In the poem I also said that giving up is just so wrong." I said this because one should be determined in order to accomplish their goals. A main reason why I wrote this poem is because, we, in my opinion, should try to live the way I portrayed the second stanza (which shows the importance of staying determined and strong).
        In the third stanza, I explained some things I like wearing. According to "Life Base," "On a sporty day I'll wear a cap." This shows that I like wearing caps. Lines three states, "On a fun note, I'll wear a party hat..." This shows I think party hats can be fun. In a poem about a life planner, or even a journal-based poem, it should include something you like to wear.
        In the fourth stanza, I illustrate the concept of me liking organization. Based on my poem, "Organize everything, being clean. Nothing nasty to be seen." In the fifth stanza, the message is that I want a nice life. "My life be splendid, perfect, good." It also says, "Draw a picture: vi-su-a-lize..." This shows that I can never say what will happen in my life. I can, however, want something, and picture that in my mind.

Angelina's Story Poem #2              

The Earth

The earth is round,
Our planet of blue.
 That holds trains and roller coasters,
Beginning a new. 

The ice, the oceans,
The solid grounds.
The grass and mountains,
And peaceful sounds.

Warm and cold,
And unpleasant too.
Minimal peace, moreover,
Love the earth all over.

Sing about a sweeter song.
The birds know just how to perform.
A small planet in the universe.
But trouble awaketh, could it be worse?

Patience until the end of time.
Hope and joy, fulfill this rhyme.
Make our train finally end.
And let dear earth begin to mend.

                         ~Angelina Lambros 

Angelina's Story Journal #2

           I wrote the poem "The Earth" to explain how life is like a roller coaster, or perhaps a train. 
How life has its ups and downs, pros and cons, glows and grows. But the only way we can "help our earth begin to mend," is by helping our planet. Saving water, trees, and electricity. And another key thing, is to be kind to one another, even to those we aren't friends with. Even in this blue world, you can place a yellow star in someone's life, even with a simple compliment. And doing this to even those you may not like or get along with. 
           I used the phrase "minimal peace moreover, love the earth all over" in my poem. This shows that the world is filled with war, fights, crazy things, mean people, turmoil, etc. But we need to try to make the world a better place. Anyone can want a change, but not everyone can make that world change. And even if you fail, try again. Be determined. Our world needs to be a better place. And we can't do that all on our own.
          However, what we can do, is be kind, have faith, and be happy. After all, anything is possible. With enough faith and hope, you can find a grain in a land of weeds. The world, like other planets and stars, will one day come to an end. ("Patience until the end of time...") But before that, we need to try to make the world better. For us to be kind, helpful, and determined is key. With all that, we may not be able to change the world, but that's one step closer to making the earth a better place.

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Nature is a gift,
for experience and more,
for you and for all,

Shinning Through

Pitch blackness has broke,
The darkness has been betrayed,
Letting the light shine

Haiku With no name

Da Haiku:
Humidity Fills
The Forest Tonight, Through
This Fearful Abyss

A/N : Didn't really know where I was going with this one. At first it was gonna be a haiku about a forest at night. And it kind of turned dark in the last line.


Nature is beauty

Nature is wonderful and

Nature is lovely.


Flows like a river of sorrows
Through out this meadow

The Night

As the brightness fade,
let the darkness take over
And watch the moon glow

clouds are beautiful 
floating as high as the sky
way way way up high


Skys; deep deep blue pools
Clouds dancing above with love
For the Earth below

3 Haikus

3 Haikus Homework - Ethan

Vengeance is not key
Rather peace and harmony
Things we wish we had

Flowers are sprouting
It becomes sunny and hot
The Spring has arrived

Lightning has struck us
Thunder boomed and shaked our grounds
Look who they have found

A Bee haiku

A small buzzing bee
With its yellow and black stripes
Little but harmful.

                                                                     Family's are great
                                                                     Family's are forever
                                                                     Family 's are love   
                                                          4/21/16                  Haiku
                                                                  A bird in a tree
                                                       Waiting with glee for spring time
                                                                With the other birds


In the sky there are 
wonderful things to appear
watch as they unveil

Fall Haiku 

 The trees are orange
As leaves crunch beneath my feet,
                                      what a lovely day .                                                                               


Wolves are majestic
They run with the wild and pack
Let them in your life 

window haiku

Windows are windows
into the outdoors, but al-
so,our hearts and souls

G r a s s  H a i k u

Grass blankets the ground.

While wind howls and sun glows round,

grass makes not a sound.

                                    ~Angelina Lambros 

Story Journal: 
          I wrote the haiku poem "Grass" to show the beauty of grass. How it "blankets the ground." How when you run down a grassy hill, it comforts your feet. This is different form when you run down a hill or path made of made of man-made surfaces, such as cement. But the main reason why I wrote "Grass" is because I wanted to paint a picture of what walking on grass in only three lines. The sun glowing, winds howling, and the still quiet grass provide an image. An image through words of a sunny and windy day on the grassy plain.

Summer Haiku

The sun is shining
It looks a lot like summer
And birds are chirping
Icy cold let it snow
Snowmen and children playing
Around soon it will go

Haiku Spring

The flowers come out
Hello sun shining on me
Trees changing colors


By James Lo Class 601

The Pasta is cold
The meatballs are on the floor
The sauce froze


Danial Khoja

Nature is when the
sun shines, the moon glows, the grass
grows, nature is life


                                                     Generous Flowers
                                   Oh How Beautiful They Are
                                    Blossem with sparkles


                  The winter is cold
               You need to wear a jacket,
                   or you will freeze.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

open waters

 a mysterious creature lurking in the open 

waters here and their, is it an eel, a mermaid, a shark, a seal, i am so despaired.

if only i knew what was hiding down their, i don't ask for much i just want to find out, this is so unfair

but we will never know only time will show  so for now well just have hope and enjoy our safety zone