Friday, April 29, 2016

Daria's poem #3- The Man with a Red Umbrella

I watch the leaves run down the sidewalk.
Chasing and challenging each other to a race.
The world so dark and gloomy,
its the same thing everyday.
The same shades,
of black and grey.
The same mother walking down the street,
with no other.
The same houses dull and gray...
Sadly, I see them every day
The same trees standing tall. 
With strength but no glee
The a sudden color caught my eye!
It wasn't a black, or a grey
It was a joyful bright color.
It was a red
I stared but suddenly it disappears.
I ran down the street and follow it.
I ran faster and faster reach forward to touch it.
But bump into a man and fall back
He turns around and offers his hand I take it and he smiles,
he helps me up gives me his umbrella and quietly walks away.
I look at it             and smile.
It was a bright                red umbrella.
And I carry it                      around with pride.
And a jump                    in my step.
Something felt                                different for once.
For once...

        I was writing poems and this is probably my 3rd one I liked and deiced to write about. I couldn't think of any ideas to write about. So I thought about things that happened to me recently. Nothing good came up it me in mind. but then I remember recently i went to Poconos and it was raining and me and my mom had no umbrella. So we ran together trying to get out of the rain, (we were going to a party.) And there was a man at the end of the street who had a umbrella and gave the umbrella to me. Quietly he said, "you can keep it," and walked away. I found it funny because everyone had like dark-colored umbrellas and we had a bright, happy, and vibrant umbrella. 
        I took the original story and changed it a little bit. Like since every one had dark umbrellas, I deiced to make everything dark colored and boring. For example,"The world so dark and gloomy, its the same thing everyday." Also, (if you couldn't tell) I tried to make the poem text form into a man. For no reason at all. To me it just makes it more appealing to look at then a regular looking poem. I also made it dark in the start of the poem then had it ombre to light red then darker then darker then lighter then a little darker then a vibrant red color. I liked the way th poem is formed and colored, and all in all this poem is currently my favorite. 

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