Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Angelina's Story Poem #1                  


The peculiar day began,
With an expedition.
It wasn't that sublime.
It sure was a mission.

The walls were celadon.
We wouldn't of won.
Without that celestial thing:

A fork in the road,
Darkness sure did conceal.
Let peace be restored!
Too bad this wasn't real.

But there--a sky light!
That lit up the way.
We gathered our things.
Ethereal day!

We stood in a circle,
And held hand in hand.
Tranquility had cometh,
To this peaceful land.

                                                                               ~Angelina Lambros

Angelina's Story Journal #1:

          I wrote the poem "Determination" since I wanted to describe how most journeys are going to a celestial and beautiful place. However most journeys are tough and contain trials and obstacles along the way. "Determination" coveys this message because it describes how the adventurers experienced fear. But they didn't give up until they found what they were looking for. My poem illustrates the fact that there is a need to be determined. Especially if you wanna accomplish something. A goal is just a goal, there is no big goal or small goal.
         In my poem, I used the phrase, "it wasn't that sublime" in the first stanza. This shows that the beginning of the journey was not at all amazing, and was actually bad. In the fourth and fifth stanzas however, I used the phrases, "Ethereal day!" and "Tranquility had cometh..." These phrases indicate that the adventurers journey in the end was indeed sublime. This shows that poets can use phrases that are not common in every-day life to convey their messages. My message, is that in order to accomplish something great, you must have determination. And that goes for everyone.
        Having determination will reward you in life. Just as it did with the adventurers in my poem. When they were determined, they noticed the sky light they were looking for. This is what granted the land peace. Even though they got discouraged at one point, they remained determined. This rewarded the adventurers' lives with eternal peace. This proves what determination can do.

1 comment:

  1. I love your poem, and especially the words you use :)
