Friday, April 29, 2016

Daria's poem #1- Chase your Dreams

My poem #1
         Why follow your dreams?
            Following is when you do the same
 As something else.
             If you’re following your dreams   
You’ll never reach them
            They’ll always be in front and you behind
         That's why you should chase them
          So you’ll get ahead of your dream
          So that dream you're in front of ?
You already past it,
Forget about it!
Why?,you ask
So that you can make the next one bigger

I wrote this poem because I wanted to show that you should chase your dreams and that's its better than following. I never liked the idea of "follow your dream," because if your following your dream, you'll keep getting so close to it, but you'll always fall back. So I thought, if your going to follow your dream forever, it wont ever come true. So I wrote this poem to show you can chase your dream to catch up to it so then you beat it, so then you can make your next dream bigger and better and harder to catch. Even if you think you cant catch it s better to fail trying then think about how your life would be if you reached it.
         I wrote this poem based on a popular quote, "Don't follow your dreams chase." When i first heard someone say that I liked the quote and thought it would be a good idea for a poem. The poem above was really just continuing the quote a little more and explain it. The quote never said why you should   follow  chase your dreams. So that's what I added in the poem, "  If you’re following your dreams ,you’ll never reach them, they’ll always be in front and you behind ,that's why you should chase them." Also when i thought about the quote it never gave an idea about what would happen if you reach your dream. What will you do? Continue knowing you reached your dream? Or maybe start a new goal to chase? So I added the idea of that since you beat your goal and dream, make a new and more challenging one." So that dream you're in front of ?You already past it.Forget about it!Why?,you ask.So that you can make the next one bigger."
I thought the poem who turn out with a dramatic tone with it, but as i read it in my head it was read with more of a happy and heart lifting tone. I was glad with  the way this poem turned out. When I was writing it i wasn't sure how it would turn out. But it came out perfectly and just how I wanted it.

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