Friday, April 29, 2016

Darai's poem #2-The Gift of Life

Poem 2 for the story poems-
The gift of life
Everyday is a gift
Not many people see it
Life gives you a chance to be in this world
That chance wasn't given by mistake.
Take advantage
The beginning is always the hardest,
So hang in!
A long journey always start with a step

Life gives a chance to see the world in front of you
It lets you meet people and make friends
But sometimes you'll have to say goodbye to loved ones

Even when you're pulled down
Use the opposite force to push yourself up.
If you get a challenge use it to remember,
God gives the most hardest challenges
To his most bravest soldiers alive.

And don't forget if you ever fail,
Life gives you a second chance.
Its called tomorrow.
I wrote this poem because sometimes life can hard and upsetting but there is always a light to guide you. Even if you don't have a perfect life, to be honest, no one does! You always have to remember to think happy thoughts.When I was writing in my book ( I carry around a little book just in case i get bored) I wanted to write a poem and wasn't sure what to write about. So I started surfing the internet for any ideas or inspiration for a poem. I saw some quotes and decided to write a poem about hard ships and challenges.
I wanted this poem to be inspiring and heart-lifting to people in need of love and kindness. 
I wrote, "A long journey always starts with a step," because one, its true, if your going on a journey of a lifetime, your not going anywhere if you didn't even take one step. And two, I wrote it based on a famous Confucius quote," A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." I like quote and used it in my poem to go with the idea of the poem. I wrote"The beginning is always the hardest,So hang in!" because its true with almost any scenario. Like lets say the first day of school. Most children don't come to school knowing everything they need to know for college and high school. And if you did good for you!( Then what was the point to come to school?) Most children come to school scared and confused but excited to learn. lets say your just learning how to spell. At first its challenging for you. Its a completely new topic and idea being submitted into your brain. But the more you write the more you get use to it and the better you get. Think about a time you tried something new for the first time. It was probably really hard for you. Its not like the first time you tried gymnastics or volleyball you were a ultimate pro and should be in the Olympics. And if that has possibly happened to you, there's always room for improving. Sometimes when you try something you seen many times before, your body kind of knows what its doing and its not as hard. 
I was proud of how the poem turned out. I mostly like the ending the most.

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