Thursday, April 21, 2016

G r a s s  H a i k u

Grass blankets the ground.

While wind howls and sun glows round,

grass makes not a sound.

                                    ~Angelina Lambros 

Story Journal: 
          I wrote the haiku poem "Grass" to show the beauty of grass. How it "blankets the ground." How when you run down a grassy hill, it comforts your feet. This is different form when you run down a hill or path made of made of man-made surfaces, such as cement. But the main reason why I wrote "Grass" is because I wanted to paint a picture of what walking on grass in only three lines. The sun glowing, winds howling, and the still quiet grass provide an image. An image through words of a sunny and windy day on the grassy plain.


  1. I like how in only a few words, I was able to get such a clear feeling from your poem

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. sorry posted twice by accident

  4. sorry posted twice by accident

  5. I like how you made your poem sound like you are really in the grass.
