Saturday, April 23, 2016

Angelina's Story Poem #2              

The Earth

The earth is round,
Our planet of blue.
 That holds trains and roller coasters,
Beginning a new. 

The ice, the oceans,
The solid grounds.
The grass and mountains,
And peaceful sounds.

Warm and cold,
And unpleasant too.
Minimal peace, moreover,
Love the earth all over.

Sing about a sweeter song.
The birds know just how to perform.
A small planet in the universe.
But trouble awaketh, could it be worse?

Patience until the end of time.
Hope and joy, fulfill this rhyme.
Make our train finally end.
And let dear earth begin to mend.

                         ~Angelina Lambros 

Angelina's Story Journal #2

           I wrote the poem "The Earth" to explain how life is like a roller coaster, or perhaps a train. 
How life has its ups and downs, pros and cons, glows and grows. But the only way we can "help our earth begin to mend," is by helping our planet. Saving water, trees, and electricity. And another key thing, is to be kind to one another, even to those we aren't friends with. Even in this blue world, you can place a yellow star in someone's life, even with a simple compliment. And doing this to even those you may not like or get along with. 
           I used the phrase "minimal peace moreover, love the earth all over" in my poem. This shows that the world is filled with war, fights, crazy things, mean people, turmoil, etc. But we need to try to make the world a better place. Anyone can want a change, but not everyone can make that world change. And even if you fail, try again. Be determined. Our world needs to be a better place. And we can't do that all on our own.
          However, what we can do, is be kind, have faith, and be happy. After all, anything is possible. With enough faith and hope, you can find a grain in a land of weeds. The world, like other planets and stars, will one day come to an end. ("Patience until the end of time...") But before that, we need to try to make the world better. For us to be kind, helpful, and determined is key. With all that, we may not be able to change the world, but that's one step closer to making the earth a better place.

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