Sunday, May 22, 2016

Spices. (Laiba's StoryPoem10)


They define your feelings.
They’re more than just flavors.

You pick a hot spice.
Hot spice.
You can be mad.
Or angry.
Or just in desperate need of

You pick a sweet and salty spice.
Sweet ‘n salty spice.
You’re either
normal feeling (neutral)
Or incredibly bored
and are in desperate need of
an element of

You pick a sweet spice.
Sweet spice.
You are either sad
or incredibly stressed.
You are incredibly, very
very much in need of
adventure, interest, and relaxation.


The point of this poem is to put attention on the most random thing ever. I wrote this poem while I watched my mother make me some soup for my sore throat. I noticed and noted the types of spices she used and had in her spice cabinet. That inspired this poem. 4
I say, “They define your feelings. Spices. They’re more than just flavors.” because to me, spices, as explained on this poem, describe how you feel. Yes, my observations/assumption may be wrong but I meant overall. I also feel that spices really are more than just flavors. They really can affect your feelings at that moment and affect how the whole meal of yours is. 4
I say, “You pick a hot spice. Hot spice. You can be mad. Or angry. Or just in desperate need of
Adventure.” because to me, generally, when I am mad or angry, I crave for anything spicy.
It somehow seems to satisfy me in a way that nothing else can. Also, eating something spicy really can be an adventure because you never really know how much of the hot spice makes the food as hot as you would like. You may be wanting a small amount of spice to your food but end up putting too much. The first and last two bites are always the biggest adventure. The first few; an adventure of the unknown. You don’t exactly precisely know how spicy the food will be. The last few; an adventure of satisfactory and victory. The satisfaction of being able to say that you ate something incredibly spicy is amazing, to me exactly as I am known for being a wimp at handling hotness in food. The victorious feeling of the last swallow of food is to me amazing. Those two feeling overtake the anger and boredom from before.
I also say, “You pick a sweet spice. Sweet spice. You are either sad or incredibly stressed. You are incredibly, very desperately, very much in need of adventure, interest, and relaxation.”  because when I am sad or stressed, I usually go for sweet things. Also, When you are sad, you need adventure and interest to cheer you back up. When you are stressed, you need relaxation. You need to able to relax that stress right off of you. Lastly, I don’t mean any offence to anyone who is like me and doesn’t like spice anyway, and isn’t sad or stressed. Just have a large sweet tooth and cannot handle spice nicely.

Books. (Laiba's StoryPoem9)


Pages of words.

These 7 things make books.
But so do;
Imaginary lives.
Imaginary, non existent

Things that can be
Real or fake.
True or false.
Things that can leave you
Puzzled, confused.
nodding your head with
Who knows?
Only the author,
the witch that brewed the book together.


The point of this poem is to explain books. “One of the “simplest” things ever”, say people. I say the opposite. There is not two same exact books well, other than copies of the same book by the same author but you know what I mean.
I say, “Pages. Pages of words. Letters. Sentences. Paragraphs. Essays. Periods. Commas.” because to me that is what every single book ever has or should have. They all have words. Letters to make those words. Sentences those words make. Paragraphs those sentences make. Essays those paragraphs make. Periods to end every sentence. And commas to add some grammar and sense to the whole book.
I then proceed to list things that not every book has. Not every book has adventures. Neither stories or characters. Nor imaginary lives or worlds. I say, “Adventures. Stories. Characters. Imaginary lives. Imaginary, nonexistent worlds.” to express so.
I also say, “Real or fake. True or false.” because not every book is real. Nor fake. Neither does it have to be true or false. For example, non-fiction real, not fake. Fiction is fake, not real. Non-fiction is true, not false. Fiction is false, not true. But realistic fiction… what is that? It is kind of true, as it is in a real time period, has realistic behavior, and realistic occurrences. But it is with sometimes fake characters, has fake dialogue, and non-accurate feelings/thoughts. So what is is? In my mind, right in the middle. So it’s not fake or real.
Lastly, I say, “The witch that brewed the book together.” because it’s true. The author is the one who ‘brewed’ the book together. Every character thought up by them, every plot twist, every sentence thought up by them is an ingredient. In the end, the author created a well-balanced, very interesting, and possibly award-winning stew, that is the book.

Opposites. (Laiba's StoryPoem8)


He likes bright colors.
She likes dull.

She likes to admit mistakes.
He likes to deny them.

He is active.
She is not, she is rather lazy.

She is brave.
But, he is not as brave.

He’s professional.
She is immature.

She likes to begin things.
He likes to end.

He brings bad luck.
She brings fortune.

But together they are.
Like two peas in a pod.
Like black and white.
Like angel and devil,
they are.

And together is where they belong.
Forever and always.
YOu KnOw WhaT thEY SaY,
“Opposites Attract.”

In this poem, I state different opposites. I described the man in this poem with one opposite and the woman with the opposite. In a way, I wanted to describe how not every couple has to be a perfectly similar. For example, in this poem, the couple is complete opposite but it still says, “And together is where they belong. Forever and always.” By saying this, I mean, despite the differences between the couple, the two still belong with each other.
To me, the best ways I can describe it is…
  1. They are like two puzzle pieces. The two are completely different but fit together perfectly. They fall together and stay together. It is hard to find the pieces that go together because, like love, it is hard to find two that fit. Yes, there might be a few that look similar but will they fit together? Nope. And never will. No matter how much glue you apply to try to get them together. There are always those few puzzle pieces that you try to fit together, but much like two people, they don’t fit and the tension causes them to drift away.

2. If you are a big foodie, like me, maybe you’ll learn this way, if you both like pizza, will there ever be enough pizza for you to both have enough without sacrificing something for one another? No. That’s why you want to find someone different. Someone whose favorite food is not pizza. That way, they can get what they want. You can get what you want, and there is no sacrificing for each other and you two are both happy. That defines a perfect couple right? Well that wouldn’t be possible if you both were a perfect complete match. Since you both have differences, much like opposites, you both can be happy and content.

He. (Laiba's StoryPoem7)


He's sitting in the
Dunkin' Donuts.
All alone.
very frantically
scratching at his paper with his pen.

He looks up,
abruptly, may I add?
Not at me, though,
but at the ceiling,

I wonder, oh,
I wonder.
What can he be writing?
What's his name?
Where does he work?

let's make it up.

He's a college professor,
grading his student's work.
He was away the night
and here he is now,
to get his work done.

Or he’s a college student.
Who forgot to do his
3-page essay
and is doing it now.

he's like me.
Writing down questions
as quick as they come.
Hoping, just hoping to get 
answers some day.


The point behind this poem is to show her life's a mystery. You don't know exactly what's going to come. You don't know exactly what's going to happen. You don't know exactly what every single thing is. Everything's a mystery.
In this poem, I say, “ wonder, oh, I wonder.What can he be writing? What's his name? Where does he work?” not to be creepy but rather because that is what i always think when i see a stranger, for some reason. I also say that because that is what it takes to simply know someone. Not digging deep into them.  Not personally knowing someone just “surface-touching” knowing them, meaning you don’t know that much but enough to say, “i know that person.”
I also say, “let's make it up.” because what do you do when you are me and don’t know anything? Just that. You make things up. Also, because if you are inquisitive about everything, what else can you possibly do?
I then say, “He's a college professor, grading his student's work. He was away the night and here he is now, frantic to get his work done.” because that is one possibility of which he is and is doing. Although it is a very small possibility, it can still be true. In this part of the poem, I let my creativity go wild. I say things that are probably not true at all but I still think about it.
I also say, “Or he’s a college student. Who forgot to do his 3-page essay and is doing it now.” because that is just another crazy idea I come up with in this poem. In reality, I still probably would still think that.
I then proceed to say, “Or… he's like me. Writing down questions as quick as they come. Hoping, just hoping to get answers someday.” because that was just like me in this poem. I wrote down all the questions I have in this poem about the man. Also, sometimes I have so many questions that come so fast that I have to write them all down so I can hope that one day they will be answered. I hope that the questions I have will someday be answered in a way I understand, I agree with, and don’t have any more questions about. So I assume that maybe I’m not the only extremely inquisitive person here. So that I’m not alone in this habit.

Colors (Laiba's StoryPoem6)


Some blind me.
Some leave me in awe. 
Some I really don't like. 

Blue relaxes me.
Blue makes me lean back in my chair, 
relax my shoulders, 
and sigh. 

Pink isn't my favorite. 
Pink is too girly,
too Barbie 
for me. 

Mint makes me happy. 
Mint is beautiful. 
So pretty,
so cooling 
to me.

Yellow, the most underrated,
most bright color out there. 
It blinds me. 
It leaves me in awe. 
Light, medium, dark. 
It doesn't matter.

Some blind me. 
Some leave me in awe. 
Some I really don't like. 


The inspiration behind this poem is to set an example to others about how you should discover and think about how some things make you feel. For example I say “Blue relaxes me.  Blue make me lean back in my chair, relax my shoulders and sigh. Because that’s how some shades of blue make me feel. It has a positive effect on me. That's why I like blue, because how positively it affects me and my feelings. And, that is also the reason why it was one of my favorite color. Then I say, “Pink isn't my favorite. Pink. Pink is too girly, too Barbie for me. Because that’s how pink makes me feel. Therefore, I stay away from it. It is, for that reason my least favorite color. Pink has sort of a negative effect on me. I also proceeded to say, “Mint makes me happy. Mint is beautiful. So pretty, so cooling to me.” because that is affect mint has on me. The brightness and happiness radiating off of anything mint colored gives me happiness.
Also, the icy tone mint has cools me. That is, therefore, the reason it is one of my favorite colors. I also say, “Yellow, the most underrated, brightest color up there. If blinds me. It leaves me in awe. Light, medium, dark. It doesn't matter.” because that is how I truly feel about the color yellow. I honestly feel that yellow is very underrated. No one I have ever met has actually really liked yellow that much, in fact, my brother hates in with all his heart. Also, I think the yellow is still beautiful in all its forms. I personally find any shade of yellow absolutely gorgeous. I want people to realize that as well. Therefore it is one of my favorite color and I love anything yellow.
My main point in this poem, however, is to after realizing how things make you feel, distinguish whether the feeling is positive or negative. If it is positive continue using that as a positivity “giver”. If the feeling is negative, try hard as you possibly can stay away from whatever it is. You stay feeling positive and there's no chance you are spreading that negativity to the people around you. I do that with the color pink and it makes me a more positive person overall.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Story poetry #10 

My friends!

My friends, will always be there for me
will always be like my sisters.
I can show them anything, and say anything. 
I feel safe with them. can tell them any
little insecurity I have. 
My friends are like an umbrella on a rainy day.
Always protecting me and give me courage. 
Friends are my great big bear 
 hug after a long day!
Friends will always be my side no matter what. 
Always catching me when I fall. 
 The sunshine to my day.
Whenever I need anything, 
or need to spill something on my mind.
Always there to listen about what I have to say. 
Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we get into fights, but 
we will always make up, like friends do. 

Story Poetry Journal #10

I wrote this poem because I was thinking about my friends and how they support me through everything.  In the poem I used some similes and metaphors to deepen the poem. For example,  I said"my friends are my umbrella on a rainy day". What this means is that whenever I need something, I can count on them and they'll always be there for me. Another example is when I said "friends are my great big bear hug after a long day."  This means that after a long day, they will make me feel better, and especially make me LAUGH! When I was writing this poem, I also was trying incorporate some creative elements. I wanted the reader to relate, and kind of feel something when they read it. Another example of what I used was, when I said " the sunshine to my day". What this means is that they are like the highlight to my day, and something I enjoy. Something  I look forward too. My friends always have my back, and I can trust them with anything. In the poem, I also included that they are like my sisters. I wrote this because I am very close to them, an can trust them with anything. Well...... mostly anything. Overall, My message about this poem was that you should really think about your friends, an dhow they are basically like your brother or sister. That's how I feel like, with all my friends. They can trust me, and I can trust them. Also, at the end I said that sometimes we will fight, but we will always forgive each other. Sometimes we fight about the most stupidest things, and we don't even realize it. But, we are friends, and that what friends do. 

Story Poetry #9 


Nature, always surrounding us, 
trees, rivers, bushes, flowers!
So beautiful, as the sunsets and rises.
Nature inspires people. you can write  poems, stories, 
anything you can put your mind too.
nature, makes you feel something, 
makes you feel alive. 
Nature is like the cherry on top of your sundae,
the homework you FINALLY accomplished!
When I see nature, I feel free, I feel alive.
I feel like I can conquer the world!
The trees are talking  to me!
Saying beautiful
 things that I admire. 

Story Poetry Journal#9
I wrote this poem because I was inspired that since summer is coming, how beautiful everything looks. The trees, different plants and flowers, and birds chirping, and the sun. I think that all these aspects of life, make it very pretty and special. Another example, is if I'm  having a rough day, I will stay positive, and remember to look on the bright side. Looking at something beautiful everyday can make you feel more confident and powerful. In this poem I used a lot of similes., For example, " nature is the cherry on top of your sundae, the homework you finally accomplished"! What this means is nature is what makes you feel great, and is like the perfect start to your day. Another example is, "the trees are talking too me, saying beautiful things that I admire". Obvisily, the trees aren't  speaking too me,they are just speaking with they're beauty.  I also used some figurative language, to make the poem a little bit more creative. One example is ,"When I see nature, I feel free, I feel alive. I feel like I can conquer the world! Another aspect that I include  was nature is everywhere, and we are very lucky too be living in a suburban community. The message I tried to send was that we should really appreciate the world we live in. And nature makes you feel something. It can inspire you. You can write poems, stories, anything.  Nature is everywhere and we should realize that.