Wednesday, May 18, 2016

POEM #5                                   Where poems come from
                                    Poems come from a place where
                                                   no creature has been to and where
                                                      no mind has dreamed of, it come
                                                   from your imagination! It goes from
                                                 your brain to your heart, to your bones
                                                  until it reaches your hand, it goes into
                                                  your fingertips to your pencil and it
                                                     comes SPLATTERING out of
                                                  the pencil tip, a spontaneous adventure
                                                     awaits, you write, erase, write,
                                                  erase, and so on.... until you get the
                                                     perfect poem, it may take you
                                                 days and nights, but the struggle will
                                               be worth it when you see what you have
                                               created you will be proud that you waited
                                                    you have made a beautiful poem!

                                                              Poetry Journal
I wrote this poem because i wanted to tell people where poems actually come from. People often tend to make the excuse of not being creative, or not having a wide imagination.Those are all lies, everyone has a wide imagination and everyone is creative. The only difference is that some people use their creativity and imagination, while some don't. No artist was born to be an artist and no poet was born to be a poet. They learned over time and they slowly became better and better at the subject. Nobody is born knowing how to write, speak, or draw. It all matters on how often you practice the subject. If you practice a lot you will get better. If you do not practice then you will not get better. I also want people to know that to create a masterpiece it takes time. No poet writes a poem in 10 minutes and it turns out to be great. They take their time. As it says in the poem it might take days and nights, erasing and restarting to get the poem perfect. Some people think if they cant do something right away then they are not good at it and should stop doing it. That is false because you cant do anything well if you rush through. You need to take your time. Although this seems like very hard work "the struggle will be worth it when you see what you have created". Also i want to tell people that in order to create something great you need to put your heart and soul into it. In this poem i included hyperboles and some rhymes and imagery. I included these because i think it adds an exited tone to the poem to express what i feel at the moment. This is why i wrote this poem. This is also the deeper meaning and the truth of this poem.


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