Saturday, May 21, 2016


School, is the time of day where you spend 7 hours
 at  a place you learn, socialize, make friends and have fun.
School is the place were you have tests,
 have homework, and trips.
School is like my second home, even 
though sometimes I don't like it that 
much, I will always know 
it is very important. 
School is were I met my closest of friends!
School is part of my everyday routine ,
if I don't go, I feel incomplete
 for the day. 
School is makes me feel like I concurred the world. 
whenever I have a huge project due,
 or I get a good grade. 

Story Poetry Journal #8

When I wrote this poem, I was having trouble getting inspiration. I realized that school is a very general idea, but there are so many different concepts you can expand on. For example, I wrote about what school makes me feel, and what it means to me. One example is when I said " school is like my second home, even though sometimes I don't like it that much, I will always know it is very important". I use a lot figurative language to make it interesting. I also used the metaphor, "school makes me feel like I concurred the world". This means that whenever I accomplish something big, I feel very proud of myself. Also, I included that I have met my closest friends at school,and also my most special moments. The dances, trips, fundraisers, activities, and clubs as well. I also included that school is part of my everyday routine, and I would feel incomplete without it. I tried to include "different layers" to this  poem. Another example is, when I give different examples like school is the place were you have tests, have homework, and trips. I think that the message int his poem, is that school is a wonderful place where everyone socializes and has fun. Also, school is a safe place where you can express your feelings. School makes me feel like I don't know what I would do without it. We should be very grateful that we have amazing teachers, and a great education. School is awesome. 

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