Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Daria's Poem #5 An imaginary city

              My friend Imagination...

The buildings seem to grow taller,and taller,and taller,
as you get closer, and closer, and closer to them.
They twinkle and and shine,
like the stars in the night sky.
Everything so bright and shiny.
I hold my breath as I walk around.
Everything's so stunning and beautiful.
Every ones smiling and happy.
Families walk by with laughing children.
Every one here can be anything.
The aroma of food reaches my nose.
I ran after it like a dog meeting its owner.
There's panic.
The walls shook, the ground thumped.
Families flee and lovers run.
I could of sworn even the sun,
left from the scene.
Its dark.
No one understands whats happening.
I panic trying to help people. 
But a familiar voice calls out my name.
"its time to leave," 
the voice screams.
"who are you?,"
"Its your friend, Imagination.." 
I jump up with a startle.
Someones shaking me
"Wake up,"
a voice says.
"Its time to leave."

       I wrote this poem because when I was younger, I also made up little imaginary cities in my head. Then I would be so deep in thought of it that I would fall asleep. ( To be honest, when I'm bored I still do it.) And I find it a very quick way for time to fly by. Also since we are slowly entering a new world of technology, I thought this poem might fit with the topic. I tried to look for a drawing/ picture that would fit with my poem and the picture above, fitted the most. If you are wondering what it is, it  is from http://www.hrama.com/skycity/. And the design was based of a  Lotus flower. I admired the picture because when people think of future sounding technology, they usually think about anything cool or like floating houses or a glass that is a phone. But in this situation, based on the picture above it strongly represents nature. The building was even based of a flower.
            I wrote this poem because when I was younger, I also made up little imaginary cities in my head. Then I would be so deep in thought of it that I would fall asleep. ( To be honest, when I'm bored I still do it.) And I find it a very quick way for time to fly by. Also since we are slowly entering a new world of technology, I thought this poem might fit with the topic. I tried to look for a drawing/ picture that would fit with my poem and the picture above, fitted the most. If you are wondering what it is, it  is from http://www.hrama.com/skycity/. And the design was based of a  Lotus flower. I admired the picture because when people think of future sounding technology, they usually think about anything cool or like floating houses or a glass that is a phone. But in this situation, based on the picture above it strongly
represents nature. The building was even based of a flower.
At first my poem was just me wandering around my imaginary city, But that seemed a little too plain a event less. So since I remember I always feel asleep, I decided to include about what happens when I wake up. My first idea was that everything turns really dark and I wake up. But then I thought,  wait it's the opposite, I wake up and everything is turning really bright. But I thought that idea was to plain, so I thought of having a friend wake me up. I also switched things around. Most kids have imaginary friends, so I thought of having a friend NAMED Imagination.
If you dont understand the story plot, it was about me dozing off and dreaming ABOUT MY CITY, AND IN REAL LIFE SOMEONE IS WAKING ME UP , SO MY imagination COME TO WAKE ME UP.



  1. sorry about the caps locked, my cat was playing with the key broad while i was typing

  2. I love your poem because I was really interested and I could really picture what was going on. Also, you had a topic that wasn't as sophisticated, and you wrote a poem that was :)

  3. I love your poem because I was really interested and I could really picture what was going on. Also, you had a topic that wasn't as sophisticated, and you wrote a poem that was :)
