Thursday, May 19, 2016

Story Poem #2


Christmas, it's the time to 
be with family
To appreciate the time when Jesus was born 
December 25, The day to be with 
Happiness, joy, and
warmth spreads all around,  
as everyone takes in the winter sound.
Having a special family dinner,
looking at everyone's 
opening up special presents and spreading winter joy,
 that we will hold onto forever.  
After everyone has opened presents . 
looking at the beautiful icy white snow, sparkling 
like crystals!

Story Poem Journal #2

I wrote this poem today in class. My topic was Christmas.
I was very excited about getting it, and seeing what interesting poem I would come up with. Even though I'm not christian, I still know what Christmas is about, and the winter season. At first in the poem I wanted to put a lot of  similes and metaphors since Christmas is such a general idea. I fell that by adding some sophistication to it, it makes it more enjoyable to read. For example, in the poem I wrote," looking at the beautiful icy snow, sparkling like crystals.The snow isn't actually a crystal, but  it as if it appears that way because it is so pretty. Another example is "warmth spreads all around." This example means that the warm feeling makes everyone happy and grateful. I believe that the true meaning of Christmas is to spend time with family,and be grateful for everything you have. This poem kind of relates to my family poem because it explains that even if you on't so much gifts, you can still be happy with what you have. I can relate to this poem,because after everyone has opened their gifts, and you realize that this holiday is different than any other holiday. In conclusion, I think that Christmas I the time to spend with your family and appreciate the time you have with them. Especially when you can just talk and bond as a family. In total, I think that you can make something as broad as Christmas very special. Just like you spend your time with your family. That is very special to me. Christmas is just an awesome holiday. It's meaningful to your loved ones. It is also cool
to write a poem about!

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