Thursday, May 19, 2016

Story Journal, Poem #4

Poem #4


They come in many colors,
Blue, green, white, and more. 
They scream, when they see humans.
And teleport in and out. 
As they do that, beware thy watch flying rabbits stealing lettuce.

Their shimmering horns, glimmer in the night, 
always causing mischief.
And when they are bored, they they can create rainbow banana,
that are smooth to the touch.
Their mane and tail are beautiful, they glow in the night sky.

And if you get a chance to touch them...
You would think you are on a rainbow.
Because when you touch them, you feel the smooth soft body.
As I say, "Unicorns are magic itself!".
And as they say, "UNICORNS ARE MAGICAL!!!"

Story Poem Journal #4

I was inspired by what the topic, someone wrote on the index card said. I used my imagination imaging what color they might be. I used my knowledge to know that unicorns, running away neighing when see us. Since there five words on the index card I must include, horn, magical, smooth, rainbow, and long and beautiful. I thought of how the unicorn's horn is the magic itself, so they must be shimmering when light touches it. Most of the time, unicorns come out into the night, and rarely in the in the day time, knowing that the humans are active in the day. And sometimes the ponies are known for mischief. They like to sometimes take things. And, since EVERYONE knows that unicorns are majestic animals, I would think that their mane and tails would be the same as their horn.  They would shimmer and glow in the moonlight. I used the poetic device, hyperbole. It would make my poem sound, more sophisticated. What I mean by that is that, the hyperbole would make my poem sound, have more meaning to it. I think that since hyperbole, make the reader have to think to know the actually meaning it. I chose to use a hyperbole because, I wanted the reader to actually think, what that line actually, mean. I may have a whole hidden meaning behind it. You never know!! Magical was the last word I still haven't used yet. I decided to incorporate it into my last line in my last stanza. So when I thought of unicorn fans, they would always say that they are magical.  So, I decided to write that. I just reworded it a little o fit it into my poem.  This was how I came up with my poem.     

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