Thursday, May 19, 2016

Sarah's StoryPoem10

Poems come from...

and everything,
the heart,
the mind,
the soul,
a pencil.
It can be found anywhere.
that bubble up inside you.
Stirring questions,
that may never be answered.
comes from,
wherever you look around.
See ordinary things,
that have a greater story.
Use them,
and write,
what you desire.

Story Poetry Journal
              I wrote this poem because it explains that poems can come from anywhere. Anywhere you look around, you can find an idea. Take that idea and build on it to make a poem. In the poem, it says," See ordinary things, that have a greater story." This means that even the smallest things, you can make a poem out of. You can take something very ordinary, but you have to dig deeper and take time to make into a good poem. You can take things like a notebook, a pencil, a book bag, shoes, or even a table. The possibilities are endless.
              When people read this poem, I want them to be inspired. I want them to know that they have the potential and ability to write a good poem. You can't make a good poem if you don't think about it. You have to take time in order to make a good poem. When I use the poetic device known as a metaphor, it makes my poem more sophisticated. I chose to do this because it adds deeper meaning to my poem. It adds complex words and detailing.
              The mood of the poem is sophisticated and elegant. There is a sophisticated feeling to it. This makes the poem more meaningful and complex. This poem explains the meaning of poems. It explains the stories behind each poem that is written. I was inspired to write this poem by a story that I read about ordinary things. This can inspire you to write a poem. 

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