Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Nora's story poem 10

What can you write a poem about?
Something as simple as a doodle, or even a pencil.
More ordinary then a book?
What is ordinary?
What is simple?

Daily things we don't even notice we do,
We can write about any of it!
Even something like walking through the school halls
And all the noise and pushing.
Can you write a poem about it?
Comparing something small and ordinary to something BIG like your big ideas.
They grow as beautiful and strong as a tree.

Thoughts constantly rush through our mind.
Even about the ordinary,daily things of life.
But trying to find a new meaning behind it
"What are the odds that I'm doing this?, that I'm here? That this is my Life?
And wonder how others lives can be

I used a lot of questions in the poem to add a bit of rythm to it. When I use the poetic device known as similes and comparisons it adds a sense of wonder where you think how does this compare to this?
I chose to use many questions in my poem so the reader can decide an answer for themselves after reading and thinking about what it meant. This poem was inspired by today's lesson in which we thought about how we can write stories even about the simplifies T things such as a pencil! This poem was also inspired by the poem "my writing is an awful mess" that we read in class. That poem described about even daily, boring things can become an interesting poem that actually requires ally of thought. I tried making this poem in a way that the reader had to think in order to understand instead of just reading a nice sounding poem that ryhms. This poem is about how we create things that are so simple that it's interesting and wonderful. I also wanted the reader to think of the meaning behind the poem and if they understood the authors main idea/ perspective. A poem can be anything you can imagine even daily routines that seem average and normal can be very interesting and you understand the base of the persons daily life.

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