Thursday, May 19, 2016

Story Journal, Poem #6

Poem #6


As you can tell,
There are many different types of happiness.
There all:
sad happy,
joyful happy,
sick happy,
bad happy,
love happy,
funny happy,
family happy,
sibling happy,
As you can see......
There are many types. 
Some are good,
some are......bad.

Story Poem Journal #6

I was inspired by another poem. I was talking about how my mind was where I can be happy. And suddenly, an idea sprouted out of my head. It was a flower sprouting to life. It was like HAPPINESS. So then I thought of how much/many types of happiness were there. So I wrote it out. Sad-happy is when you feel sad, but happy at the same time. Joyful happy is when you are joyful, and happy at the same time. Sick happy is when you feel happy when you are hurting someone. Whether it is physically or mentally it doesn't matter. Bad happy is when you do something bad and you feel happy about it. Love happy, is when you find your true love, and are happy. Funny happy, is when you have a funny mood, and are very happy. Family happy, is when you are happy with your family. Sibling happy, is when you are happy with your siblings. An last, but not least, HAPPY HAPPY!!!! HAPPY HAPPY is when you are full blown happy. Like you are at the max. level!! I didn't use any poetic devise in this poem. This was like my free write poem. This was how I came up with this list poem.         


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