Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cathy's Story poem 10


fall is my favorite season,
filled with warm colors,
cinnamon ,
and pumpkin spice,

Fall is filled with crisp air,
cozy sweaters,
pumpkin spice lattes,
and everything pumpkin,

As leaves crunch beneath my feet,
as the leaves change colors,
from green to orange,
I sit there thinking,

in the warm breeze,
oh how summer ended,
and soon school begins,
fall is the best,
and i like it better than the rest


Story Journal

              I wrote this poem about fall because soon this school year is about to end ,and  the next school year doesn't start til fall time.Which reminded me of fall, my favorite season.In the first stanza I wrote, "Fall,Fall,Fall,Fall is my favorite season,filled with warm colors,cinnamon, and pumpkin spice".I wrote this because i wanted to describe how fall looked like and picture it in your head as your reading this.Its add ambiance and character to the poem. I also added the scents of fall to show what fall is like and the smells.
              In the next stanza i wrote about, "Fall is filled with crisp air,cozy sweaters,
scarves,pumpkin spice lattes,and everything pumpkin."I wrote this to show what fall was filled with.Such as everything pumpkin flavored and cozy clothing. It is also the time where animals come out because it is the perfect weather.
              In the third stanza I wrote ,"As leaves crunch beneath my feet,crunch,crunch,crunch,as the leaves change colors,from green to orange,I sit there thinking."I wrote this to show how the season is changing from summer to fall.Such as the leaves changing color and falling to the ground.When i wrote "crunch,crunch,crunch" i wanted the reader to feel like their there mentally and picturing it in their heads.It also added a lot of character to the poem.
              In the final stanza i wrote ,"In the warm breeze,oh how summer ended,and soon school begins,fall is the best,and i like it better than the rest."I wrote this to show how the weather is changing as the new school year begins.Fall is also my favorite season rather than the rest because of the descriptions.Such as the leaves changing color,pumpkin and cinnamon smell everywhere,and the warm colors.Fall is my favorite season.I like it the best.It is better than the rest.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked your poem and your picture and the similes ad metaphors you used .
