Saturday, May 21, 2016

Story Poetry #9 


Nature, always surrounding us, 
trees, rivers, bushes, flowers!
So beautiful, as the sunsets and rises.
Nature inspires people. you can write  poems, stories, 
anything you can put your mind too.
nature, makes you feel something, 
makes you feel alive. 
Nature is like the cherry on top of your sundae,
the homework you FINALLY accomplished!
When I see nature, I feel free, I feel alive.
I feel like I can conquer the world!
The trees are talking  to me!
Saying beautiful
 things that I admire. 

Story Poetry Journal#9
I wrote this poem because I was inspired that since summer is coming, how beautiful everything looks. The trees, different plants and flowers, and birds chirping, and the sun. I think that all these aspects of life, make it very pretty and special. Another example, is if I'm  having a rough day, I will stay positive, and remember to look on the bright side. Looking at something beautiful everyday can make you feel more confident and powerful. In this poem I used a lot of similes., For example, " nature is the cherry on top of your sundae, the homework you finally accomplished"! What this means is nature is what makes you feel great, and is like the perfect start to your day. Another example is, "the trees are talking too me, saying beautiful things that I admire". Obvisily, the trees aren't  speaking too me,they are just speaking with they're beauty.  I also used some figurative language, to make the poem a little bit more creative. One example is ,"When I see nature, I feel free, I feel alive. I feel like I can conquer the world! Another aspect that I include  was nature is everywhere, and we are very lucky too be living in a suburban community. The message I tried to send was that we should really appreciate the world we live in. And nature makes you feel something. It can inspire you. You can write poems, stories, anything.  Nature is everywhere and we should realize that. 

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