Thursday, May 19, 2016

Danial's Story Poem #6

How to be Good at School

Do everything you are told to do.
Be best behaved
Talk only when you are Told to.
Do your work.
Keep it quiet.
Be as silent as a hawk
Always be prepared.
Or Prepare to fail.
Don't Yell
Don't Chew gum
Keep the classroom clean
Never goof off.
Study Hard to pass you test.
Listen to the Teacher when they are talking.
Be nice.
And Have fun.

Danial Story Poem Journal #6
I wrote this poem because everyone wants to be a good student but they just don't know how. To be a good student you have to do many things and those things are listed above in a poem. I was inspired to write this poem because everyone should be a good at school. But most importantly they have to have fun a school. You might think that school is boring, but School has more on the inside. This poem has many things to help be good at school. It also has important things to remember. For example, "If you fail to prepare then prepare to fail." This is very helpful. These guidelines will help in becoming the best at school. For example, talk only when you are told to can be very helpful. Without the guidelines, it would be harder to learn. Even though you should be good at school you can also have fun. You can play with Friends at lunch. But most importantly is that you are ready to go to school with a Smile. School can be good as well as bad. You should look at the good things before the bad. And always be happy when you are at school. School Is a very special place. And You will come to love it. You just have to look at the good things.

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