Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cathy's story poem 4


Books are filled with pages and pages,
each containing a new story,
fantasy,mystery,horror or even comedy,
reading books are stress free,
and lets my imagination run wild,

As i read questions build up inside my head,
reading books are like entering a new world,
a place where you have never been before,
stepping into a characters shoes,
are also the most fun of all,

reading books expand my mind,
creativity and imagination,
it lets my ideas sprout like plants,
and the ideas continue to grow,
although it might be long,
it'll be worth it in the end.

Story Journal

              I wrote this poem about books because everyone thinks that books are boring.Instead I'm trying to change your perspective on books.Books are amazing,helpful,and expands our creativity and imagination.There are thousands of books to enjoy and choose from.In the first stanza of the poem i wrote, " Books are filled with pages and pages,each containing a new story,fantasy,mystery,horror or even comedy,reading books are stress free,and lets my imagination run wild."I wrote this to show that books are filled with pages and pages with excitement and there are many different types of genres to choose from.Reading books help me relax and let my imagination run wild.
               In the next stanza i wrote,"As i read questions build up inside my head,reading books are like entering a new world,a place where you have never been before,stepping into a characters shoes,are also the most fun of all." I wrote this to show that reading books build up excitement as questions begin to pile up.When I "wrote entering a new world" i meant how reading causes you to mentally get in to the story as your reading along with the characters.When I also wrote "stepping into a character shoes,are also the most fun of all".I meant that stepping into a characters shoes is changing your perspective.Meaning your looking at the characters point of view.Looking at your characters perspective is fun because you can go along with them on  adventures and solve mysteries with them.
              Finally in the next stanza i wrote "reading books expand my mind,creativity and imagination,it lets my ideas sprout like plants,and the ideas continue to grow,although it might be long,it'll be worth it in the end."I wrote this to show that reading books expand my mind,creativity and imagination.I used a simile such as "it lets my ideas sprout like plants,and the ideas continue to grow".I was comparing my ideas to a plant sprouting because of how my ideas develop.At first it would be small as a seed but later my idea begins to grow and expand like a plant sprouting.Although some books can be long...Just keep reading and it'll be worth it in the end.Books are amazing,stress free,creative,and fun.What else is there not to like?

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