Thursday, May 19, 2016

POEM #8                                                     Laughter
                                                    Laughter is like music to my ears,
                                                      it is what makes life even better,
                                                    laugh till your cheeks hurt and you
                                                   make no sound, laughter is a joyful
                                              melody, once you start laughing, it passes
                                                     all around, laughter comes from
                                              the heart, it is a beautiful sound, laughter
                                               will always shine through sorrow, laugh
                                                  until your on the ground, fun and
                                               laughter so cheerful and bright, it blooms
                                                   in our heart like a great joyful light, 
                                                   laughter fills our hearts with live, it
                                            breaks through sorrow, grieve and grudge, 
                                               don't stop laughing, it is so relaxing,
                                               it is the best thing you can do, laugh all
                                                           night and all day long

                                                              Poetry Journal
I wrote this poem because i want to inspire people to laugh more often. People will be so much happier if they spend their life laughing instead of being upset. My inspiration to write this poem was my family. My family always spends their time laughing as much as they can. I decided to laugh more often as well.I really liked this life style better then just being upset or not laughing at all. When i said " laughter always shines through sorrow" i meant that laughter is always better then being sorrow. I try to laugh as much as i can in life. I try to laugh more because life is a lot more fun and interesting when you spend your time laughing. Even if you have to worst life, try to laugh more often to make it easier. I would not be able to imagine my life without laughing. I would become miserable and life would not be worth it. If i am just going to be upset all day what is the point?. I wont be happy anyway. Also scientists proved that people who tend to laugh often live a happier and longer life than those who don't. Another reason to i tried to inspire people to laugh more is because it is like medicine to stress, you will become less stressed. When i said "once you start laughing it passes all around" i meant that when someone starts laughing it is contagious. For example if i start laughing really hard then the person next to me will start laughing and so on and on. In this poem i used rhymes and hyperboles. I do this because it adds a good tone to the poem. Also i added these because it sets a good mood. This is why i wrote this poem. This is also what my inspiration was.

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