Friday, May 20, 2016


I have two siblings,
a brother and a sister.
Sometimes they annoy me,
and sometimes they make me frustrated.
But in the end, our siblings always love us!
Siblings are like something
that can be annoying, but
you know you can't live without!
Sometimes I just want to 
blow up, and scream
I'm like a howling tornado
But in the end I will always forgive them.
Life without siblings
can feel empty and incomplete
like a cupcake with no icing!

Story Poetry Journal #5

When I wrote this poem, I thought about how my siblings are a huge part of my life.  I am the oldest of 3 kids.  My sister is 8 and my brother is 3.  As long as I remember myself, my siblings have been with me.  There are many times when i get annoyed because of them making noise or asking questions or fighting with each other.  The simile i used is "I'm like a howling tornado", which refers to me feeling mad and frustrated.  However, after i calm down i realize how lucky i am to have them in my life.  Without them my life would feel incomplete, just like "a cupcake with no icing".  Life wouldn't be as special or fun without them.  I know that they will be with me for life.  They will help me in hard times and laugh with me in good times.  I hope we will always remain friend and be there for each other.  My life might be more peaceful without them in it, but it definitely would not be as good.  We watch movies together, go on family trips and eat dinner together.  There are many moments when we laugh together.  Sometimes my sister and I have sleepovers and will share a bed.  I help make her hair and pack her school lunch.  I make puzzles with my brother.  My siblings make me who i am and as the oldest, i hope they look up to me and i can set a good example. I am looking forward to more memories that we can create together.  I love my siblings!  

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