Thursday, May 19, 2016

POEM #7                                 A BOOK is a place of adventure
                                      A book is a place of adventure, it is
                                                          a place you can go to let all of your
                                                     problems and worries disappear, you can
                                                          float away in your thoughts and
                                                       sink into the book, you soon become
                                                        part of the spontaneous adventure,
                                                    you become part of the book,you are now
                                                      a character in the book, you overcome
                                                         obstacles, go against evil, you go
                                                      into a place where you can think and
                                                         think and go further and further
                                                            away from this ugly reality,
                                                     into a place where you enjoy yourself,
                                                        in a place that is in your mind, but
                                                     if feels so real, you don't want to come
                                                       out, but time has come, you become
                                                     a hero and save the day and everything
                                                         becomes OK, now you get back
                                                                 to the reality of life.

                                                                Poetry Journal
I wrote this poem because i wanted to show people the importance of reading books. Books are a place where you can forget about all your problems and go away from reality for a while. Sometimes our minds need a break, so we can read an interesting book. Books can also distract us from stress and problems. Books are not only good for your brain muscles but they are also good for less stress and for entertainment. When you read a good book you usually get really caught up in it and start feeling like your actually part of the book. This poem was inspired by Harry Potter the chamber of secrets book. I really enjoyed that book. I got really interested by this book and i felt that  i  became "a character in the book" i also become "part of the book". Most of the phrases i used in this book came from how i felt when reading the Harry Potter book. I felt like i was the hero by the end of the book. I was really upset that the book ended and i had to "get back to the reality of life". In this poem i used hyperboles, some rhymes and imagery. I used these because i felt they added a specific tone. It also showed the mood i was feeling during that moment. The mood throughout the poem was usually serious. People should really appreciate books more because without books we would have no place to escape the reality and forget about our problems for a while.It is also really entertaining to read. I would not be able to imagine my life without any books. Books are a big part of my life and without them i would be really bored and stressed. Books are really important in order to be intelligent and they help us calm down and relax.This is why i wrote this poem. This is also my inspiration to write this poem.

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