Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cathy's story poem 1

                             Where my poems begin!

   There is a place where all my poems begin, 
  As i sit there and listen to music,
the ideas begin to flow,
it begins to flow like tunes and melodies,
each inspiring me,

My poems also comes from my imagination,
a land filled with happiness,
and everything magical,
my ideas sprout like flowers,
and as the petals begin to bloom,

my creativity begins to open,
Soon as i gather my ideas,
the poems begins to come together,
everything around me inspires me,

Whether its nature,
or even my pet,
There's always something to write about,

Which keeps my ideas flowing,
my CrAZy imagination,
and my surroundings,
are truly where my poems begin,
and it would never end.

Story poetry journal

I wrote this poem to show where and how my poems come to be.Being a true poet means that you can write about anything.You can turn something boring in to something fun.In this poem i talk about how my ideas begin to flow.For example, in the first stanza i wrote ,"There is a place where all my poems begin,as i sit there and listen to music,the ideas begin to flow,it begins to flow like tunes and melodies,each inspiring me".I wrote this to show how and where i get my creativity and ideas from.Which is just simply sitting down and listening to music.I also included a simile such as ,"It begins to flow like tunes and melodies".I compared ideas to tunes and melodies because when i get an idea it flows.Just like how tunes and melodies gracefully flows.In the next stanza i show that i not only get my ideas from music, but simply my imagination.Being creative is the key to poems.When i use my imagination it help with my ideas.Just like how i wrote, "My ideas sprout like flowers,and as the petals begin to bloom,my creativity begins to open".I wrote this simile to show how ideas bloom and sprout like flowers.In the beginning it might be small, but later that idea gets bigger.Just like how flowers bloom.In the next 2 stanza i list and show how everything around me inspires me.Such as, "nature,art, music,or even my pet". Finally, in the last stanza i wrote about how there's always something to write about.From my crazy imagination,to my surroundings.This continues my endless ideas and will ever stop.


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