Thursday, May 19, 2016

Pre-k here I come #6

Pre-K Here I Come poem
story poem journal

I remember it like
it was yesterday.
Jitters everywhere
im going to school 
im finally there.
I don't want to
leave my mom and
dad im really scared
im gonna be sad
I can't wait to see...
Whos in my class.
I really hope that
I will pass I feel
like I will learn a lot
Music, math, dance and
art who's this lady
will she make me smart.

The first day of school was so amazing.
Yet terrifying.
You don't know what people are there.
I felt very scared and was upset my parents were not there.
But I liked it the more it went on. 
For the first day of school I expected to be more scared.
But the teacher was nice.
My expectations were different from what really happened.
I did not learn much on the first day. 
All I learned was to be nice to each other.
I got 1 friend on the first day.
It was scary at first because I did not know who he is.
It was crazy leaving my mom and dad.
First time.
It was like being in a horror movie.
I cried.
But then I got over.
My 1st friend Yoseph was nice.
He to me the first few days of school. 
But I will never forget the first day of school.
It will be a never forgetting memory.

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