Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cathy's Story Poem 7


Music is all around us,
with different tunes and melodies,
each has their own unique beats,
from the honk of a car,
or even the click of a pen,

Music fills everyone with happiness,
and bring smiles to every ones faces.
music is like art,
a way to express ourselves,
tunes are all around us,

Music can be soothing,
to rock,
or even pop,
music is amazing,
and the next time you hear a sound,
enjoy it!

Story journal 

              I wrote this poem because i wanted to show that music is all around us even if you might not know it,and how music is amazing and makes everyone happy. There are many different types of genre in music.Such as rock,pop,country,jazz,etc.Each genre has their own unique beat and so does the things that surround you.
              In the first stanza i wrote,"Music is all around us,with different tunes and melodies,each has their own unique beats,from the honk of a car,or even the click of a pen."I wrote this because i wanted to show that music is all around us.Even the loudest honk is still music.Everything around us has their own unique beat and melody.Such as "from the honk of a car,or even a click of a pen".
              In the next stanza i wrote ,"Music fills everyone with happiness,and bring smiles to every ones faces,music is like art,a way to express ourselves,tunes are all around us."I wrote this because the delicate to loud sounds fills everyone with happiness. Listening to music brings smiles to people faces.Music is also like art.There are different ways of seeing things .Music is a way to express ourselves and it tells us a lot about our personality.
              Finally, in the third stanza i wrote, "Music can be soothing,to rock,or even pop,music is amazing,and the next time you hear a sound,enjoy it!".I wrote this to show that music does not only have 1 sound but many.There are many different types of genres,and different genres fit everyone.So,not everyone have to listen to the same thing.The next time you hear a sound you should appreciate it.Rather than ignoring it.Music is wonderful with its unique tunes and melodies.

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