Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cathy's  Story Poem 8

Be different

Be different,
do what you want,
don't care about what others say,
be outgoing,
change your style,

express your emotions,
be silly,
do what makes you happy,

become a crazy cat lady,
run around like a maniac,
pursue your dreams,
block all the haters,
smile all the time,

let all your worries go away,
face the world,
be unique,
and be you!

Story journal

              I wrote this poem because i was inspired by a quote from Oscar Wilde."Be yourself,everyone else is already taken".What i think this means is exactly what the quote says.Which is you should always be yourself because there's no one else like you.In our society everyone has to act or look in a certain way.But you don't have to do that!Even if you are looking up at a role model you shouldn't change yourself to be something your not.Just be YOU!If everyone acted or looked the same.Then the world would be boring.Being yourself and being different is what makes us unique.Say your OWN opinions,choose your OWN style, BE DIFFERENT!
              In the first stanza i wrote ,"Be different,do what you want,don't care about what others say,be outgoing,change your style."I wrote this to show that you should always do what you want and not let others opinions get to you.In the next stanza i wrote that you should always express your emotions and personality.You shouldn't just keep it in and let it pile up.Instead let out your WeIReD,SilLy,and GOofY side.DO what makes you happy!
              In the third stanza i listed many thing you can do to be different.Although some of them are pretty silly and weird (but who cares)!Just block out all the haters and smile all the time. Finally,in the last stanza I wrote, "let all your worries go away,face the world,be unique and be you." I wrote this to show that facing the society with your differences can be hard with haters.But being different and true to yourself will overcome anything.

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