Thursday, May 19, 2016

Story Poem Journal, and Poem #3

Poem #3

Where All my Poems began

Where all my poems began,
a place where time stops.
You can take as long as you want, 
and no one would notice.
A place where you are at peace.

All my poems began, 
Where you can stay forever, 
a place where you can do anything, 
and no one will know, 
a place where no one knows....

Where all my poems started, 
a place where it is a secret,
where all my thoughts are placed,
where it is a safe place, 
where no one can invade.

Where all my poems starts, 
a place where you can live forever,
a place where you can see everything, 
a place where you can hear everything,
 A place where you can love...

All my poems started, 
where you can never see it,
never hear it,
never think of it. 
A place where I can love!!

Story Poem Journal #3

I was inspired by an objective, to write about where all my poems, began. I started thinking,  "where do all my poems come from?". Since I was thinking of one right now, I just wrote what I thought of. My mind. My mind is like my thinking place. Where all my dreams come true. I like to imagine, stuff. Its like a pocket. I put all my thoughts in that pocket, and save it. And every once in a while I drop a card, which means I would forget what I was thinking. As you know your mind is like a personal room. No one can hear you, see you, and no one can invade your mind. You kind of space out a little. You lose track of time since, there is no specific time zone in your mind. You just wander around, imagining, and doing everything you want. And no one will notice, or see where you are. You are at peace.  I used the poetic device repetition. It made my poem more, interesting. It was like you drilling the idea into someone's head. my idea in this poem was, that I state that this is where my poems begin. I used it in my poem because I waned to do exactly that, I wanted to drill it in someone's head saying, "THIS IS WHERE ALL MY POEMS BEGAN!!!". This is how I wrote this poem. 

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