Thursday, May 19, 2016

POEM #6                                                 AUTUMN
                                  Colorful leafs falling down swirling
                                                  all over the ground, kids are laughing,
                                                   jumping and screaming with delight,
                                                   going in and out of the pile of leafs, 
                                                       autumn's chill is such a thrill.

                                                    The northern wind breathes out its 
                                                      chill,autumn begins to paint the 
                                                   trees along the hill. the breathtaking
                                                  leafs all falling down, the plants and 
                                                           grass are turning brown.

                                                       The summer is gone and the
                                                 days grow cold leaving the trees all
                                                        red and gold, autumn is the 
                                                   best wrapping us in its warm leafs
                                                keeping us very cozy and comfortable
                                                     like a nest so we can take a rest.

                                         Poetry Journal
I wrote this poem because i wanted to show people how much fun autumn can be.I wanted people to realize how important autumn is so we can appreciate it more. Autumn is a very beautiful season because of its colorful leafs and nice weather. This poem means a lot to me because it reminds me of childhood. I use to jump into the leafs and have a lot of fun.This is why i included the phrase "kids are laughing, jumping and screaming with delight", because i use to laugh and jump and scream with delight in the autumn too because of how much fun it was. I think people should appreciate autumn more because without it we would not have as much fun and life wouldn't be as exiting. We also would not get to experience the beauty of autumn.To me autumn is the most beautiful season.Its beauty was an inspiration for me to write this poem. In this poem i included hyperboles, imagery and rhymes. I included it because it helped me express the tone better in different parts of the poem. I also think that people should not take things for granted, for example the season autumn. I always here people complaining about the leafs in autumn because they have to clean it up.They do not realize that the leafs are what make autumn beautiful. All the beauty and nice weather in autumn, some countries have summer all year long and do not get to experience autumn. We should appreciate what we have more, rather than taking everything for granted because most of us who get to experience autumn, have a great time.Autumn really is an amazing season this is why i included " the breathtaking leafs all falling down" and also" leaving the trees all red and gold". I included these phrases because it expresses what i feel. This is why i wrote this poem. This is also what inspired me and what i think of autumn.

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