Wednesday, May 18, 2016

jason's poem #8

Time Travel

Back in time 
We can experience memories a second time
Or to peek at your future 
Go back
To reverse death
Or go forward to experience birth
Or go back to present day
Make new memories
Skip a day or two
Skip a month
Skip a year
Skip your life
Or restart your life
Over and over
You can go anywhere you dream
Shaking Abraham Lincoln's hand
Riding a hover board
This poem is about what you can use with a time machine.You can travel back or forward in time.You can meet presidents or your next grandchild.You can make new memories or go back to old memories.Skip a test,days,months,or even years.You can do a lot with a time machine.It's an opportunity to re-experience your memories.

I was inspired to write his poem because I saw a movie when I was little and it had a time machine.Later in the movie there was a time paradox.Then all the characters would have to go back in time and fix everything.I thought that this was cool.Now I think that it was interesting and I understand why and how it happens.

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