Friday, May 20, 2016

Perfume (Laiba's StoryPoem5)


One sniff and you’re in love.
One spritz and you’re the scent of a rose.
One sniff and you’re in another world.

The world…
It can be rows and rows of flowers and roses.
Or it can teleport you to the beach.
It can be a heaven.
Or a hell.
Depends on if you like it or not.

One sniff and you feel it
running a marathon up your nose.
Into your mouth it goes.
Leaving a disgusting alcohol taste in your mouth.
It can give you headaches.
Leaving you to regret that
ONE small eeny meeny tiny


The inspiration behind this poem is to show how you can use one of the simplest things out there and create the most intricate, most informative, most beautiful poem out there. You just have to put your mind to it. Another point in the poem is to give perfume a life. To give perfume a sense of personification. This is another thing of being brave you cannot be afraid to give something so simple a little bit of personality, a life.
When I said, “It can be a heaven. Or a hell.”  I meant that perfume can either leave you in awe of the smell and leave you to wanting more. Or it can make you have aching headaches and leave your head pounding with the strength of the perfume scent. It is, therefore a heaven or a hell. And if you want a heaven, just smell a One Direction fragrance, I promise a fantastic heaven.
When I also said, “It can be rows and rows of flowers and roses. Or it can teleport you to the beach.” I meant that either the fragrance can be super floral or it can be like the oceanside. It  can either leave you in rows and rows of flowers and roses or it leave you with your feet in the shore and your nose in the ocean scent.
When I say, “One sniff and you feel it running a marathon up your nose.” I mean that the scent is so quick to get to you. It is so quick to “run” up your nose and get to your head. One blink of an eye and you are left with a pounding head. With nothing to soothe it.
At some points, I feel that perfume shops should keep Advil with them to help us with our headaches.
The main point of this poem is really to show how you can write a poem about simple things, it doesn't have to be about a season or about a feeling. It can be about the first thing you laid your eyes on as soon as you woke up and still be beautiful, as long as you put your mind to it.


  1. Your poems is good and creative

  2. I really liked you r poem, it was really creative and I liked you structure of the poem
