Thursday, May 19, 2016

Story Journal, Poem #5

Poem #5

The Mind

The mind is where you do things,
where all the things you do come from. 
Where you can sing,
all day,
and nobody would care. 

The mind is where its peaceful. 
Where no one can laugh at you.
Where no one will know your secret.
Where no one can talk to you.
It's the place where you can have some alone time.

The mind is where it's lovely.
It's where you can love.
It's where you can feel.
It's where you are at peace.
It is where you will be loved.......  

Story Poem Journal #5

My inspiration was inspired by my previous poem. I would write it and then think of other poems. This poem is like the sequel to "Where All my Poems Come From". I feel like my mind is the best place. It's usually where I get my alone time. I would do whatever I want, and no one will care, because no one will know. Usually in reality, I cant really feel much feeling. I would only feel either different types of happiness, or sadness. It usually goes away. The feelings just floats off freely. Without a care in the world. Your mind is always going to love you. It's why you are one with your mind. The mind is what controls. It controls you to breathe, talk, shower, and pretty much do EVERYTHING. It's the reason why you are still alive. I used the poetic devise known as repetition. It makes my poem sound more deep. What I mean by that is that it sounds like it's trying to whisper something into your mind. It makes you feel more connected to the poem. I choose to do this because I like to drill BIG ideas into people's mind. This was how I made up my poem.  

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