Thursday, May 19, 2016

Ariella's Story Poem#1


Family, like a bridge over 
a swaying river, always
making sure I don't ever
My family is a support bridge that can carry
the heaviest cargo.
They'll always be my my side and always be there for me.
Even though we always get into fights, we always work it out,
and love each other.
Family, an everlasting love,
 that can never be broken 
 or will never be lost  and will never end. 
Without our families today, we would never 
have the opportunities we have today! 

Story Journal#1: 

I wrote this poem because when I was thinking about what to write about. I realized that we shouldn't take anything for granted and appreciate all the love and support we have. 
I used a lot of similes and metaphors in this poem, because I wanted there to be more "life to it", and to be more interesting for the reader. I wanted the reader to feel something when they read this poem. I wanted to create a message. One of the examples of similes that I used is, "Like a bridge over a swaying river, always making sure I don't ever fall". Obviously, I didn't really mean that my family is a bridge. It means that whenever I need anything or I need support they will always be there for me because at the end of the day, we always love each other. Another example of a simile I used was "my family is a support bridge that can carry the heaviest cargo.' What this means, is my family can always handle anything and back me up. I also used some high level words to make the poem more sophisticated. For example, everlasting love, support bridge,swaying river. When I was writing this poem, my inspiration was honestly my love and care for my family, and I was thinking and them.When I wrote this poem, I was thinking about my family and the characteristics that makes them the best  they can be. For example, My sister can be really annoying a times, but I know that even though she can be frustrating  at times, I will always love her. I believe that everyone should love their family no matter what. Also, at the end I included that without our families, we wouldn't have the opportunities we have today. I meant that without them we wouldn't have any building block and stepping stool. In conclusion, my message in this poem was to remind people that is is impotant to appreciate tour family. It is important to care for them , and to love them. In total, what would we do without them? 


  1. I think this was an extremely well written poem, as well as how you wrote it was great. Personally I thought this was a Beautiful poem :)

  2. I think this was an extremely well written poem, as well as how you wrote it was great. Personally I thought this was a Beautiful poem :)

  3. I love the idea of this poem. It is very meaningful!
