Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Next Chapter #5

The Next Chapter poem
and story journal

Being scared I got up
off my chair the
certificate is the end
a new story now begins.
I turn around and smile
the camera clicks oh my
gosh how many more 
pics.There goes the screaming
My family and friends are 
proud the noise is getting 
loud I can't take this any
more im gonna leave some
friends behind.The next chapter is...

My poem is about my graduation for 5th grade.
It was really scary.
I knew I was gonna loose some of my friends.
Some I still talk to some friends I don't.
Only one of my friends are in my school.
But it wasn't all scary.
I knew that was the next step of growing up.
People keep telling me now im not a baby.
Lots of kids were actually crying.
I almost did too.
We said our good byes. 
Most of my friends came to my house for a celebration.
We had a cake.
We played games.
They signed our yearbooks.
Again only Eric got in my school.
I wish more people got in.
But Eric is a good friend. 
Im happy I got into 206
It is the next chapter.

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