Thursday, May 19, 2016

jason's poem #10


You didn't expect me
I'm invisible
You can't see me
I'm a ghost
Who am I in disguise?
No one knows
I'm an undead spirit
I'll sneak up behind you
I'll scare you
Maybe I'll fly around all over your house
Invite my ghost friends and have a party
But you won't notice since were ghost
You won't hear or see anything
Image result for ghostBOO!

This poem is about ghosts.It includes what ghosts look like and how you can't hear or see anything since they're ghosts.I was inspired to write this poem because I always wondered what it was like to be a ghost.Being able to fly around and go through people.It's like being a wizard and being able to use all your magic.Plus you can never die.Since your already dead.

I was inspired to write this poem because I'm weird.Some how I thought imagining what being a ghost was like was normal.But I was interested in this topic because I always found ghosts to be mysterious.

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