Thursday, May 19, 2016

Simona's Story Poetry Journal #3


Darkness is a sheet,
Draped over a night sky.
Covering the warm,
Gentle sun.

If darkness had emotions,
It would be spiteful,
And cruel.

Darkness is what hides us,
From painful,
Harmful rays.
Darkness provides us,
With peace and calm.

Darkness shadows us from visibility,
And from looks and stares.
In the darkness no one knows who you are,
And no one really cares.
Darkness is a mask,
Cloaking you with darkness.

  This poem tells two sides. One sides says that darkness hides the sun, that darkness is cruel and spiteful. The other says that darkness hides you from harm, and that things are better in the dark. While reading this, I want the reader to think about each side and choose which one they are on. I wanted to write this poem to express both sides of this situation. It's interesting to see how some people agree with one side and others are the opposite. It is also really interesting to see how some people think alike and different.
    I use many metaphors and similes across most of my poems. I think using figurative language can elevate a poem from being plain and boring to creative and exciting. Figurative language is a two way street. One way is to use it and just make the poem even more cliche and generic. There are so many metaphors, similes, etc. that are just so generic and overused like, 'cold as ice, or 'hungry as a lion'. The other way is to use figurative language and completely elevate the poem. 
   This poem explains darkness from different stand points. It could be argumentative, but it was no right or wrong answer. People have their own opinion and this is what it is about. It is just how you see life. Each person has very different tastes so you cannot say one side is right and the either is wrong. When I talk about 'darkness', I refer to the night time. I point at that when I mention darkness covering the sun. Although I am aware darkness can't be a sheet and it doesn't cover everything, It is metaphorical like I mentioned earlier about how I like to use metaphors to elevate my poems. 

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