Thursday, May 19, 2016

A land of adventure #4

A land of adventure poem
and story journal

Getting ready far an
adventure in the land 
of fun its really hot
day out in the sun.All
my friends are there.
Teachers BEWARE the
roller coasters are fun
it gave a big breeze 
we rode them with 
ease my favorite ride.
It was green.It started
to spin I felt the sweat
on my skin we defied
gravity it was a blast
I don't want to leave it in the past.

That day was really fun, the trip of all trips. There were so many fun moments. My favorite ride was the Turbulence. I spent time with my friends Jeremiah and Eric. We ate junk food, hot dogs, we had slushies. We definitely had amazing memories. I tried new rides there. I usually don't go on spinning rides because I get dizzy and nauseous but I was having so much fun with friends that I did not care to go on these rides. My brother Chris and I won a game and got a prize. We had to go back to Adventure Land because the first time we went, we got there late because the bus driver was late to pick us up. The second time I got really sick and I couldn't go on the spinning rides again but, it was still a great trip. I hope you can experience what I did those two wonderful days.The second time my friends told me to stay strong. So I did. After I rested a little bit I started going on rides. I felt better. Those where the funnest days. I hope we can do it one more time. Those two days where a blast. I hope you can experience that too. It was a land of adventure.

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