Thursday, May 19, 2016

POEM #9                                                     True Beauty 
                                                      True beauty is on the inside, true
                                                     beauty is how you act, true beauty

                                               is how you treat others, true beauty needs
                                             time to be seen, true beauty is not being cruel,

                                                      you cant see how beautiful someone
                                                truly is until you get to know them, it is not

                                             how they look, it is not how they seem to be, it
                                                       is how they really are, some people

                                                are not truly beautiful, they might have a
                                               horrible heart, while some people are truly

                                         beautiful and have the kindest heart, true beauty
                                                 is your personality,true beauty is how

                                           you feel, true beauty is how your heart really
                                     is,  true beauty is who your REALLY are on the inside
                                         you don't have to be a cutie, to have true beauty.

                                                               Poetry Journal
I wrote this poem because I wanted people to know what actual true beauty is. Some people think think that true beauty is how someone looks. That is all false because true beauty is how the person is on the inside not on the out. Someone may look very pretty but have the worst personality. Thats why there is a saying, "don't judge a book by its cover". People may think that just because someone is very pretty then they are "perfect" but they really wouldn't know unless they met that person. This is why in my poem i said, "you cant see how beautiful someone is until you get to know them". When i said this i meant that you cannot tell if a person is truly beautiful just by looking at them because you don't know their personality yet, they might be the worst person you ever met in your life. Although their are people who are beautiful on the inside and out, the outside does not  really matter. The inside is what truly matters. For example, if you have a cake, it does not matter how it looks on the outside if it tastes good on the inside then that is all that really maters. I want to inspire people to not focus on makeup and hair so much. Instead they should focus on learning and becoming a better person in life.My inspiration to write this poem was a girl i met. She was the prettiest girl i have ever seen. When i got to know her she had a terrible attitude and she acted like she was better than anyone in the world. She also wore a ton of makeup all the time. Thats when i realized what true inner beauty is. I realized that because now it did not matter to me how pretty she was because her personality was so rude. I never wanted to see her again. In this poem i used repetition an rhymes. I used these because i feel like they add a serious tone and mood. This is why i wrote this poem. This is also what my inspiration was.


  1. One thing I really liked about your poem was that each stanza was a different color representing something new.

  2. I liked the meaning of your poem. It is very meaningful! Good job!
