Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I... (Laiba's StoryPoem1)

Laiba's StoryPoem1
I love Flash.
I love pizza.
 I love the laugh-cry emoji.
I love One Direction's music.
I am a Unicorn.
I am obsessed with YouTube.
I love rainbows.
I love the LGBT community.
I think Poot is very beautiful.
I love food overall.
What are you? 
What do you love?
What do you think of things? 
What/who are you obsessed with? 
Who do you think is beautiful? 
Express yourself.


      I wrote the poem "I..." As a way to show people that it is okay to share their interests, what they love, and express themselves. One of my biggest inspirations was the way that now-er days, people, especially young teens and pre-teens have hard times being able to express themselves and "reveal" their real selves without people bullying or making fun of them. Therefore, I made this poem, as sort of an "I'll tell first, then you tell after" exchange of conversations where I list things that I love or am obsessed with and then I ask you, the reader to express yourself after me. To me, it is important to open up to people because how else will you find people with things in common with you? How else will one get to know you? For me, at least, by opening up to people, I made friends and realized how much I have in common with people around me. It also made me realize how different we are from one another. And you know what they say, "opposites attract". To me these differences are an opportunity to tell others about your interests and educate them about it. However, how will you do that without sharing details about ourselves first? 
      By asking 5 questions, I have asked people to stop being afraid to tell about themselves. And have taught the reader five new questions to bring up an conversation to get to know one better. 601- I dare you... I dare you to answer these 5 questions in the comments. Tell me and others about yourselves.

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