Thursday, May 19, 2016

Simona's Story Poetry Journal #2


My poems grow 
From a magical land,
Just hidden in the nook
Of my imagination.
Locked with a key,
No one shall see,
Only me.

Where trees of imagination
Spread like flames,
Licking and curling,
Tossing and turning.
Fertilized by thought and creativity.
Color blossoms
Almost blinding.

My land smells sweet.
The air is sticky,
Warm and thick with creativity.
Anyone who enters
Is greeted by the warmth
Of the sweet air,
Blossoming with delight,
Sprouting with eternal joy.

   In this poem, I compare my mind to a secret garden. In the beginning, I talked about how it is locked away form anyone to see, which in hinting at the fact that it is a fictional land. The phrase, "The air is sticky, warm and thick with with creativity" is tied to a memory that I have. I remembered the feeling I get when I first land in a tropical place. The air is sweet and thick. That when I think of that line, I think of those memories that I have.
  When the reader reads this poem, I want them to paint a picture in their mind of the magical land. It's interesting to see how each person thinks about it and to see how minds are so different. When I read this poem, I think of a colorful, magical setting. Like from the book, The Secret Garden. It explains how lot's of people's minds might look while writing, in a metaphorical sense. It is happy and serene. Its a place where thoughts and dreams run wild. Ideas for stories or poems are like apples that you could just pick off of a tree.
   I mentioned "Trees of Imagination" once during the poem. A tree of imagination starts at the roots, which are the main idea of anything, a poem, a story, an artwork, anything. The branches are ideas which sprout off of the base. They are the things that branch off of the tree. Then, the fruits and flowers of the tree are figurative language, high level vocabulary, and rhythm. These trees spread like wildfire because of all the things that I want to do, like art and writing. This tree represents the main basis of everything I do. And its all just in my head.

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