Thursday, May 19, 2016

Dina's Story Poem 7

What is an EMU?
Apparently, some people know.
"A bird", they say,
and nothing more.
So here I am,
forced to figure out what an EMU is.
So maybe... 
it has a banana sticking out of it's arm.
it will do you no harm.
Or maybe...
it's the black bird,
then it's evil,
And probably,
it lives in a bag,
that is it's castle.

I wrote this poem in class today from my words on the index card. I actually had no idea what an EMU was. After about five minutes of prying, all i had found out was that it was a bird. But obviously, there was more of a story behind it. Nobody would tell me the story. As a result. I decided to make up my own story for the EMU. The words on the card made nos sense. I made the EMU a story pout of them anyway. Since the EMU  appeared to have some crazy story behind it I decided to give it a crazy story on my own. I did this because I didn't know the real story. My poem ended up a lot more humorous than I thought it was. That is because I had almost no background to work off of.
   I did use some figurative language in this poem. For example, I used dialogue. I also used a reference to angry birds. The "black bird" is a bomb. This is why I used it to show danger, how the bird could be evil. I used dialogue to show people's real reaction to my question. That is, what is an EMU? they really did have such a blank answer. It was obvious that there was more to know. That is why I wrote this poem.

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