Sunday, May 22, 2016

Books. (Laiba's StoryPoem9)


Pages of words.

These 7 things make books.
But so do;
Imaginary lives.
Imaginary, non existent

Things that can be
Real or fake.
True or false.
Things that can leave you
Puzzled, confused.
nodding your head with
Who knows?
Only the author,
the witch that brewed the book together.


The point of this poem is to explain books. “One of the “simplest” things ever”, say people. I say the opposite. There is not two same exact books well, other than copies of the same book by the same author but you know what I mean.
I say, “Pages. Pages of words. Letters. Sentences. Paragraphs. Essays. Periods. Commas.” because to me that is what every single book ever has or should have. They all have words. Letters to make those words. Sentences those words make. Paragraphs those sentences make. Essays those paragraphs make. Periods to end every sentence. And commas to add some grammar and sense to the whole book.
I then proceed to list things that not every book has. Not every book has adventures. Neither stories or characters. Nor imaginary lives or worlds. I say, “Adventures. Stories. Characters. Imaginary lives. Imaginary, nonexistent worlds.” to express so.
I also say, “Real or fake. True or false.” because not every book is real. Nor fake. Neither does it have to be true or false. For example, non-fiction real, not fake. Fiction is fake, not real. Non-fiction is true, not false. Fiction is false, not true. But realistic fiction… what is that? It is kind of true, as it is in a real time period, has realistic behavior, and realistic occurrences. But it is with sometimes fake characters, has fake dialogue, and non-accurate feelings/thoughts. So what is is? In my mind, right in the middle. So it’s not fake or real.
Lastly, I say, “The witch that brewed the book together.” because it’s true. The author is the one who ‘brewed’ the book together. Every character thought up by them, every plot twist, every sentence thought up by them is an ingredient. In the end, the author created a well-balanced, very interesting, and possibly award-winning stew, that is the book.

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