Thursday, May 19, 2016



Thousands of different kinds of them.
New ones every day.
"So creative" i think "why cant i make one?"
So many names, so many rules.
All the different kinds of balls.
Shapes, Sizes, Colors.
"How can so many things be so
But when i try i fail to be a wonderful creator like everyone 
"But how can something be so popular...
if it is so simple?"
"As a wise man once said 
looks can be deceiving"

I wrote this poem to show how sports are so complex yet simple.
When i say this i mean that they are a lot more complicated then they look.
And when i say in the last line "looks can be deceiving" it is true because some of the most simple things make so much money. Like for example soccer is the most famous sport in the world. Whoever created soccer must be a billionaire and it is so simple.
Football is another great example. It is a different shape color and size. Football players get paid millions of dollars per game even if they lose. They practically do nothing. My last example is baseball. also one of the most famous sports int he world. So many athletes like them make so much money for doing almost nothing. A good example is Babe Ruth he hit a ball got money and donated  to charity. The charity part i can understand but people worked 100 times harder then him and don't make as much money as he does in one game. In my opinion it is unfair.

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