Sunday, May 22, 2016

Spices. (Laiba's StoryPoem10)


They define your feelings.
They’re more than just flavors.

You pick a hot spice.
Hot spice.
You can be mad.
Or angry.
Or just in desperate need of

You pick a sweet and salty spice.
Sweet ‘n salty spice.
You’re either
normal feeling (neutral)
Or incredibly bored
and are in desperate need of
an element of

You pick a sweet spice.
Sweet spice.
You are either sad
or incredibly stressed.
You are incredibly, very
very much in need of
adventure, interest, and relaxation.


The point of this poem is to put attention on the most random thing ever. I wrote this poem while I watched my mother make me some soup for my sore throat. I noticed and noted the types of spices she used and had in her spice cabinet. That inspired this poem. 4
I say, “They define your feelings. Spices. They’re more than just flavors.” because to me, spices, as explained on this poem, describe how you feel. Yes, my observations/assumption may be wrong but I meant overall. I also feel that spices really are more than just flavors. They really can affect your feelings at that moment and affect how the whole meal of yours is. 4
I say, “You pick a hot spice. Hot spice. You can be mad. Or angry. Or just in desperate need of
Adventure.” because to me, generally, when I am mad or angry, I crave for anything spicy.
It somehow seems to satisfy me in a way that nothing else can. Also, eating something spicy really can be an adventure because you never really know how much of the hot spice makes the food as hot as you would like. You may be wanting a small amount of spice to your food but end up putting too much. The first and last two bites are always the biggest adventure. The first few; an adventure of the unknown. You don’t exactly precisely know how spicy the food will be. The last few; an adventure of satisfactory and victory. The satisfaction of being able to say that you ate something incredibly spicy is amazing, to me exactly as I am known for being a wimp at handling hotness in food. The victorious feeling of the last swallow of food is to me amazing. Those two feeling overtake the anger and boredom from before.
I also say, “You pick a sweet spice. Sweet spice. You are either sad or incredibly stressed. You are incredibly, very desperately, very much in need of adventure, interest, and relaxation.”  because when I am sad or stressed, I usually go for sweet things. Also, When you are sad, you need adventure and interest to cheer you back up. When you are stressed, you need relaxation. You need to able to relax that stress right off of you. Lastly, I don’t mean any offence to anyone who is like me and doesn’t like spice anyway, and isn’t sad or stressed. Just have a large sweet tooth and cannot handle spice nicely.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you repeated Sweet Spice. It adds more humor into the poem.
