Friday, May 20, 2016

Leos Poetry collection

Summer break

its almost here
the time to have fun, play, be outside
or just sit inside and play video games

Summer is the time to run around
The time to go to the beach or pool
The time where you don't have to worry about school 
or anything

You can go on vacation
Spend time with friends
Or play Gta all summer
And be as lazy as a sloth getting out of bead

Summer is what i look forward to all year

Just like plants wait for the spring warmth to come out all winter
Two months of no school
The best time of the year


summer gif       JOURNAL: In this poem I am writing about my favorite time of the year. This poem is about something different. Like all my other poems. I never get tired of writing. In this poem I talk about my favorite time of the year. And probably a lot of other peoples too. In this poem I am trying to say that summer is the time to relax. To not worry about school, homework.etc. In this poem I use the simile. "And be as lazy as a sloth  getting out of bead". Here I am trying to describe some people during the summer. And how people like these are getting the right idea of summer break. They are not worrying bout anything. Another simile that I use is when I said. " Just like plants wait for the spring warmth to come out". Here I am trying to show how much I love summer. And compare it with something else that longs for something. All year. Summer is what I love. The warmth and hotness all summer. This just makes me happy.



The place that people wish to be
Stores, cars, people

Where ever you go
you will always find something to do
you could go to museums, shows, the beach, anything
its like you are on an adventure every day 

The constant yelling of people 
The constant annoying sound of the train
Just like a ringing phone not to be found
timelapse new york city manhattan midtownBut this makes New York City
what it really is 

New York City 
People in NYC take home memory
Look back at them with the biggest smiles 
That's our city
The best one there is
The city that never sleeps
The Big Apple

       This poem is about how New York City is the center, attraction. THE BIG CHEESE.  In this poem I talk about how in New York there is so much to do. So much to see. When I use the simile "Just like a ringing phone not to be found" to describe the sound of the trains, Im saying that the sounds all over NYC make it what it really is. These things make me feel Im at home all the time. New York to me is like the biggest of all places. In this poem I talk about how the fun  in Ny never stops, never rests. When I said "people in NYC take home memory". " Look back at them with the biggest smiles" , I meant that people in NYC can have the experience of a life time. Maybe even once in a life time. And when these end they might have pictures, and videos to look back on and say " Oh my what a beautiful and amazing place that was" or " I sure want to go there again". I remember when I first went to the city and saw Times square I was amazed. So many people, so many stores,cars, big buildings, it was crazy. When i talk about the constant yelling of people and cars everywhere i mean that these things are a daily thing 24/7.  I also say that in NYC there are so many things to do. Such as Museums, stores, shows. What inspired me to write about these things in NYC was my own experience in it. And I hope when someone reads this poem they can be influenced and inspired to come here and see how we live. I never want to leave NYC. This is my home.


Sadness will take over  
Sadness makes your great day gloomy 
And makes you feel alone and wherever you are a little to roomy 

Image result for sadness

                                            In this poem I talk about how sadness makes people feel. And what will happen if they dont do anything about it. When I say "Sadness will take over". I mean that when you keep your sadness inside of you and dont let go it will haunt you. It will keep making you think about it and make you feel even worse. When I say " Sadness makes your great day gloomy". Im trying to say that when you let your sadness and unhappiness take over you. It ruins everything even your whole day. This will make your whole day ruined and come to the worst. The last line of my poem is saying what will happen.And how you will feel after this happens. When I say it makes you feel alone i mean that when this grief begins to haunt over you. You begin to feel alone because you are miserable. You feel that no one can help you. So you block yourself away from others.Making you feeling by yourself and alone. When I say " And wherever you are a little to roomy". I am trying to say when you isolate yourself. You have no one around you. Making everywhere you go feel like you have to much space. This is what sorrow is to me. The message I am trying to show is that sorrow is never the solution. Fighting it is.


What an amazing thing
My favorite thing in the world
The legendary sport

Legends like Michael Jordan
Kobe Bryant
Larry Bird
Wilt the Stilt
These are players who made the game what it is

Curry the best three point shooter there is
  Every game getting the triple double
Best three point shooter there will ever be
Hittin buzzer beaters, last minute shots, even full court ones

Enough about Curry
The greatest prodigy 
Best dunker in the NBA
Great shots
No one can guard my boi Lebron
Getting and1s for every shot
His dunks are unstoppable
Just like  John Cenas RKL's 
This man will become the greatest player in the world 

Basketball is my favorite sport
Basketball is my life

lebron james all star game alley oop reverse dunk nba all star 2015      This poem is about my favorite thing and sport in the world. The colors I used in the poem represent the colors of the players in my poem. Basketball has been my favorite sport ever  since I have been little. This poem expresses my feelings about the players. And the game itself of basketball. When I talk about players such as Curry and Lebron. I am so enthusiastic about them because these players are my inspiration. I love and enjoy watching them play. An example of a hyperbole  is when I said "Every game getting the triple double". Curry doesn't actually get the triple double every game. In this line I'm trying to express the brilliance and uniqueness of this player. His records will never be broken. His three pointers are so deadly they shouldn't be legal. When I think of basketball. When I think of the Nba I always think I have to express it. Write about it. I always think I am lucky to be alive at this time. Watching these great players fight for glory. When I call him the greatest prodigy, I mean that when he was young he was the most talented player of his time. When I extended the names of the players I tried to makes it seem like I was watching. How I was seeing KOBEEEESSSS great moments. LEBRONNNSSS amazing dunks. This is my feelings about basketball.

 Where do my poems begin?

Where do my poem begin?
Thats a question i have to ask myself
Well my poems begin wherever is right

They begin from rainbows
With a jolly leprechaun running to the end
To find his pot of gold

My poems begin from my family and friends
These poem I cherish
These poems I keep close to my heart

My poems come from what I eat
They can also come from someones stinky feet
My poems can begin in my homework
The long hours I spent doing it
From the tip of my pencil

Where do your poems begin 
Thats something to ask yourself
They should begin in your heart
The place where everything starts

thinking winnie the pooh brainstorm   In this poem I ask myself. Where do my poems come from? The reader of this poem probably understands this one the most. This is because many people have written poems. And many people have to find out where their poems. Truly begin. This poem is me saying. Your poem can be about anything. From stinky feet. To your family and friends. Stinky feet can be silly poems. But they express how you truly feel. Your poems need to express you. Not your best friend. Or your teacher.
When I use the line. " They should come from your heart". I mean that when you write about something. You should feel the language. Feel that whatever you are writing about should have some sort of meaning. Your poems reveal who you are. And who you are meant to be.

My Family

My family is what keeps me together
My family is always there for me
Whatever the reason
How hard it might be
Image result for family funny imagesI got 4 in my fam
Love them all the same
They are always by my side
Carrying me up to the tallest of mountains

Your family is who you go to for advice
Your family is who you go to when you have problems
When you have no one to talk to

Sometimes your parents will say thing you do not like
But you should know
That they do this for your own good
To help you be responsible
And prepare for the future

When someone from you family is gone
They are never gone
They will always be with you
Everlasting unbreakable love

My family has supported me
Given me opportunities that I shouldn't waste
They are my family
And I love them all

      This poem is about my family. In this poem I am trying to make the reader realize to not take anything for granted. Some people do not have families. Some people do not get the opportunities we have got. When I use the hyperbole. "Carrying me up to the tallest of mountains". I am trying to express how my family brings me up when I am blue. They are not actually carrying me up a mountain. In this poem I am trying to make the reader also see. That when you are irritated. Or annoyed at your parents for keep on saying things. And correcting you. Know its for your own good. They are saying these things to teach you. And to prepare you. For when they wont be around. When I say "They are never gone". " They will always be with you". Im saying that your parents and family will die. And when they do. You should never feel alone. Their spirit will always be with you.


When you are rich
You should waste your money on everything
But not quite anything
You have to think 
Why do I need this
Do I just want this

Do not get ahead of yourself
Do not go all the way up
And become corrupt
Do not become spoiled
And be the person no one wants
Do not laugh at others for having less that you
Do not become the hyena everyone despises 

I want to have billions
Buy everything I desire
But I know that is wrong

When I walk into a store
I see things my mind desires
Not my heart 
Which prevents me from acquiring

Image result for lots of money    This poem is focusing on the point of not wasting your money. Not wasting your life on things you want. But things you need. In this poem I talk about how being rich can make you spoiled. And corrupt. When I use the metaphor. "Do not become the hyena that everyone despises". I am trying to make the reader see and understand where being rich can lead you. In the last stanza of my poem I talk about when I go into a store. I want many things. My mind and brain think I need them. They want me to get it. But then my conscience stops me. And asks me. Is this really what you want? Then I stop and think. No I do not. But when the right time comes I might need it or be able to get. I want millions and billions. Everyone does. Even you reader. I want to eat the most expensive ice cream. Most delicious hamburger. But unfortunately now I cant. And I am a little jealous of people who are. But now Im not complaining. I have what I have. And Im happy.

Monday Mornings 

I wake up in the morning 
Feeling absolutely horrible
I lay back down and dont want to ever get up
But I do cuz its right

I go to the bathroom
And my hair is everywhere just like the Weekends
I can taste my own breath
Image result for snow white grumpyEwwww

My little sister yells
"Its Monday" "WhoooHoooo"
Just mentioning Monday makes me feel worse

I talk to no one
Im grumpy like that one dwarf in Snow White
Thats my Monday Morning
Whats yours like?

Image result for the weekend crazy hair    This poem is about my Monday mornings. I wrote about this because a lot of people can relate to them. Im sure my reader can to. When I use the simile. "And my hair is everywhere just like the Weekends". Im trying to say that on Monday when I wake up. My hair is dreadful. And I look dreadful. And it looks like the Weekends.Another piece of figurative writing I used was when I said. "Im grumpy like that one dwarf in Snow White". Im trying to say that in the mornings I am so grumpy I do not want to talk to them and make it even worse. Some people are exited about starting a new week. Getting a new beginning and making better choices. But thats not me. Im fine on Fridays. To me Mondays are bad because I know I have to wake up all week. And learn. I used dialogue in my poem to make it for "life like". To make the reader in the position in which I was. This is why I hate Mondays.

Monday Mornings


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