Thursday, May 19, 2016

Dina's story poem 4

Where Does Poetry Come From?
Poems exist,
somewhere inside everyone.
                          The beat of you heart,
                          can be the rhythm of your poem.

                                             Sometimes you have to hunt,
                                             a whole forest,
                                             before you find the right animal,
                                             your idea.
                                                                  Or sometimes you find the right idea,
                                                                  but you just can't, 
                                                                  seem to get it right.

                                                                                Whenever anything happens to you,
                                                                                 whether it is good or bad,
                                                                                  if you use your imagination,
                                                                                  that can be a poem too.

                                                                                                      So close your eyes and think,
                                                                                                      what will your poem be?

I wrote this poem because I was thinking about how we think of poems. What is our inspiration? How do you know that you have a good idea? I was inspired by thinking about why it's hard for me to write poetry sometimes. One example of this is, "Or sometimes, you find the right idea, but you just can't, seem to get it right." This is about how I often get frustrated as I am writing. I can never write things exactly the way I want them to sound. Other times, I get an idea, but I have NO idea how I'm going to write a poem about it. I also talk about how  you need some imagination to write a poem. Sometimes I feel extremely creative. But at others, I feel like the least creative person in the world. 
   I used a lot of metaphors in this poem. I did this because I wanted the reader to think of poetry as something very abstract. That is also why I didn't put into words exactly what poetry is. I wanted to have the reader create there own thoughts and ideas. One metaphor is, The beat of your heart, can be the rhythm of your  poem."This shows that you can find poetry in something so simple as our heartbeat. You don't need some sort of grand event or experience. Another metaphor is, "Sometimes you have to hunt, a whole forest, before you find the right animal". This metaphor shows that you don't just stumble on an idea for a poem. You have to think and you might need some time before you can write the perfect poem.

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