Thursday, May 19, 2016

Games #2

Games poem
And story journal

Games are the best.
There are different 
kinds action, puzzles
adventure and fights.
They are very fun to
play I can do this 
everyday. Some are
scary, some are fun
but you can choose 
your favorite one.
The more you play 
the better you get.
But there are other
things that you
can't forget.

I picked games because I love them. 
They are my favorite hobby.
They are really fun to play.
There are just so many of them.
There is online mode where you can talk/connect with friends.
It can bring you closer to your friends because you are sharing a hobby/favorite topic.
Each game tells a different story.
I think its really amazing.
Each story has a amazing progression in the story.
Each progression is cool. 
For example if you were in an action game and there was a betrayal would be good progression.
Some games can teach you defense skills.
It could teach you to be adventurous.
But don't get to into everything you could slack off.
Don't miss homework.
Also don't get to carried away. 
It could be dangerous.
You should play about 1 hour and a half.
Each game is amazing in its own way.
Horror, adventure, puzzles and more. 
Whats your favorite game?

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