Thursday, May 19, 2016



Music, a wonder of a thing.
On the radio, or
from the schools auditorium.
Blasting, soft or quiet. No matter what
at the end we sound good.
All kinds
of different instruments, Some may look the same,
But sound completely different:
Low brass, wood wind, and wind.
Trombones and trumpets, Clarinets and saxophones,
And the prettiness of all... the flute!
and don't get me started on the hybrids...
Trombones mixed with saxophones as well
as a baritone.
Oboes and clarinets may look the same,
 but tell that to an Oboe player
and he will knock you out dead cold!

I wrote this poem to show my love for something.This thing is music and i have a deep compassion for it. I put my heart into the pieces i play. Especially when me and some kids from 601 and 701 play in honor band. Personally i think that you should come watch us one day after school. Wed/Thurs ti'll 3:30) Now we play for other when needed and when practiced we sound normal. Like  said when you listen to music and songs on the radio do you think that people thing of it in one second? And do you think people just play the songs without any practice. I just came back to honor band (Advanced band) and i played my brains out. But if you play with all of your heart then you will surly do good.(As long as you know what your doing)(:  Anyway back to the point... Even the weirdest looking instruments can make a beautiful sound. And music can bring people together you never though you would be with. So no matter what you play or what people say you should try and you will be the best. Now Back to the main subject.  When i use the simile dead cold i mean that if you insult an oboe player which most people do because they look similer they want to punch yuo in the face on the spot.

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