Thursday, May 19, 2016

Aaren's Poetry Collection #1-#10

Bananas for Sale
Looking for these?
Yellow and long,
Curved and smoothly.
I will sell you all.
For more money than you can imagine.
My bananas are the best of all.
Bright and tasty,
The sweet smell fills the air.
I am a banana expert,
Feel the smooth curve.
The bananas we get
Are way more superior than yours.
So I will sell you all,
They are banana-licious
But let me give you one piece of advice,
These bananas are the greatest of all.

This poem called “Banana Selling” was created when I was reading a random poem based on someone’s idea.  It gives me a difference approach and prospective of composing my poetry. These inspirations are from my recent social studies project of explaining why bananas are curvy. 
I also want to create an environment where the readers feel that this poem is an advertisement itself.  By using descriptive words such as smooth, yellow, and curvy, I want to create an image of perfection for the bananas.  I want to convince the readers that bananas are not a boring fruit at all.  I use the word banana-licious to introduce the readers that bananas can be very tasty and not dull. 
Lastly, by repeating the word patterns such as smooth and curvy, I want to make readers know how bananas are fascinating in science.  And also bananas can bring wealth and health to us. 

A bald spot
There is no need to be a shame.
This is something that cannot be blamed.
I have no idea how.
The concept of bald makes me “wow”
A little kid pulled his hair off.
Don’t ask me why.
Don’t let that idea flies.
I did not take notice surely.
The hair-pulling must have not been too humane.
I really did not take notice until the findings.
It is very amusing.
To pull his hair himself until bald.
I must have admitted.
I really did not take notice until he was bald!

The poem “a bald spot” is a non-fictional story on a recent event.  My family discovered the baldness on one of our family members one day when we did our routine grocery shopping.  We noticed a bald spot on the younger brother’s head.  It was just too horrified for our eyes to witness. 
For the first and second days after the discovery of his baldness, I didn’t know how to react.  I did not want to hurt his feelings.  But the curiosity finally took over me after the second day, I started to question him.  I asked him how, why, where, and when he pulled his hair.  And he just briefly told me that his friends helped him at the afterschool program.
The poetic device I used is a dialogue.  It expresses in what I would respond if he tries to defend himself for his action.  Another poetic device I use on this poetry is rhymes.  It brings out the fun and exciting part of poetry to attract the readers.

Get Science
I know my science.
I am a walking chemistry textbook.
I hold defiance for science.
I am a walking science dictionary.
What does NE stand for?
Neon, Number 19, such a noble gas.
How do you calculate Force?
Force, an acceleration times mass, such a mystery form.
What does our liver do?
Liver, filters all the impurities, such a good processor.
I am a living science.
I don’t know why.
I don’t know how.
Science is my driving force.
Fascinating, interesting,
Making me all exciting.
                In my poem “Get science”, the inspiration comes from my ability to understand science.  Before my 5th grade, I barely had a heart for science.  But then over the summer break, I started to gaining interest in science by reading the same science book over and over again.  I learnt the periodic table and figured out the Math in physics.  I even studied the classical and quantum theories.
                The purpose of the poem was to make science interesting and fun in a poetic way.  Science surrounds our daily life and creates many fascinating aspects.  Science is filled with excitement and inspiration. 

Under my bed
Under my bed,
I stuff thoughts and dream from my head.
Under my bed,
I stuff papers and Legos into the gap.
I dare not to look under,
I prefer not to peek under,
Under my bed.
I once thought I put a robotic droid,
Under my bed.
My exaggeration is not here to confess.
My mom and dad not dare to look at
Under my bed.
Is that the same thought in your head?
Under my bed,
I must confess, I have to deal with.
Eventually.  What is exactly under my bed?
                Under my bed is my inspiration of what I actually left behind under my bed.  I always wonder what have fallen under my bed as there is a gap between the wall and my bed.  I always find Legos and papers that accidentally fell in between the gap.  I also find an excuse of disposing my unwanted items in between that gap as well.
                I want the reader to share similar thought of what I imaged under my bed.  I want to let the readers know that all these miscellaneous objects are common to them.  I also want the readers to share similar experience as mine as I mentioned about my parents’ reaction for under my bed.  I like to create a graphical effect to the readers’ experience when they are reading my poem.

A noble cat in gold
With gallant pride and bravery
An adventurer that is bold.
The finest and proudest of her kind.
Every day, she stands guarded,
With gallant pride of a tiger
A predator guards her territory.
When pursuers in multi-color,
Trespassing her territory.
She attacks and hunts them down.
No cats dare to invade.
The noble cat seeks its awards.
The slimy, smelly meaty glop,
And as soon as it plops,
She is here to eat it all.

The poem “Bebe” is about my cat Bebe.  I express words that show Bebe’s bravery, like “gallant with pride” to describe her features.  “A noble cat in gold” helps the readers know that she has golden fur with magnificent attraction.
                “Pursuers in multi-color” helps the reader to understand all the furry intruders attempt to occupy her territory but fail.  Bebe always shows her tough and fast character when others try to invade.  
At the end of the poem, there is a sense of irony.  Because she is seeking her award in her territory, it shows that she wants to protect her home, or our backyard.  The “plop” sounds amplifies the importance of the cat food being awarded to her when she guards her territory.  It also shows how she likes being useful and protective of our garden.

An old rabbit,
Who had full trust of his humans.
An old rabbit,
Who was once ruled his home.
For all these years,
Humans were this rabbit’s best friends.
He chewed carrots like a Gatling gun.
He hopped happily like a dancing doll.
But one Good Friday,
Something happened so sudden,
This rabbit fell to his side,
And never awoke by his human side.
Now where he lies,
In a marble container.
Now where he is,
As a growing healthy tree.
                This poem brings a lot of memories to me.  This rabbit names Wealthy was a longtime friend at my home.  He followed my father everywhere in the house.  He would follow him to the bedroom, backyard, kitchen, and all difference places.  Technically, wherever my father went, Wealthy would follow and wasn’t afraid. 
                Wealthy loved to run freely around everywhere.  He would take fulfilling nap with my father.  He loved to chew on grasses.  He was one strong and healthy rabbit that we all loved.  He also enjoyed licking our faces and hands.
                Lastly, he lived a really long life at my home.  He passed away at 15 years old.  That is longer than the average rabbit’s life.  All his siblings and parents passed away way before him.  And more importantly, we buried him in a marble container and planted an oak tree in it.  We believe that he would become this oak tree.

Stick Empires
Fellow citizens of Inamorta,
We need to silent the chaos.
The enemies still remain, though.
It is time for our divine intervention.
Today we will take it all back!
In a civilization called Inamorta,
You struggle for dominance.
Wage war for power and existence.
Prove yourself to be a leader.
Fight through the night and take what is right.
Garrison your troops,
Prepare for war.
Strike with swords and your might,
One day,
The throne will be yours.
                In the poem “Stick Empires”, it is based on a game I played.  It is a multi-players interaction games online, where you fight for your civilization.  The fight is an expression of dominance and righteous.  Stick empires can also wage war with others using your trained troops.  The objective of this game is to protect your civilization and destroy outsiders.
                I wrote this poem because I feel that a video game can be as expressive as fictional stories.  I want the readers to under that we can use sophisticated terms to describe our game experiences.  One example is how I used a phrase called “divine intervention” to wage a war against our enemies.  Video games can be explained in a poetic way too.

Food Comparisons
Have your ever tasted brown mush?
I am not in the mood,
But if I have to try some,
It may not be so yum.
How do cats like that brown mush?
Are their taste buds that tough?
My cats cannot resist that brown mush.
They will jump and bite for that mush.
It looks very dull,
Brown and gloopy too fulfilling.
Smells too meaty and weird looking.
Human food is more delicious,
The people who make it are ambitious.
Most of it tastes great.
Other times it tastes like our fate.
Can we cope with the brown mush?
Or should we cope with our fate?
                At the beginning of this poem, I compare cat food with human food.  I always wonder why my cats are so interested with the smelly brown mush came from the can.  On the other hand, we all are very picky in choosing our food.  Our cats do not have a choice like how we have when choosing food.  Therefore I write this poem to express our indifference toward others.
                I choose to use rhymes to describe the qualities of cat food.  I use brown mush and the smell so that the readers could feel the disgust of cat food.  The expression of meaty smell brings out the pungent of cat food.  Lastly, I add an irony to the poem by saying “can we cope with the brown mush” to reflect how we see and view differently than others.

There once was a cat
A very mean, fat cat
In a black and white suit,
And not as daring as puss in boots.
His name is Oreo.
He loves food a lot
And acts very hungrily.
He steals food from the table,
And steals food from his noble mate.
When we ask about his weigh?
He is as heavy as a crate.
Oreo falls in love with his noble mate,
But when he approaches her,
A fight will start with a hiss,
Oreo will back off and try again.
But once he is fed,
He speeds up like a cheetah,
And meows sweetness from his mouth.
And once he is hungry,
He will steal again.

                In the poem “Oreo”, it narrates my cat Oreo’s behavior.  He has certain special characteristics like fat and mean.  He also has a distinguish coat of black and white color.  The comparison of using a crate to describe his weigh will make readers ponder his size.  And I also add the word “suit” to describe him as wearing a fancy black and white formal coat.
                Oreo’s personal character traits like hungry can be found repeatedly in this poem.  It helps the readers to understand his extreme love food.  And I also describe how he speeds up like a cheetah to express how food has a special effect on him. 
By mentioning our other noble cat in the poem, it shows how Oreo interacts and behaves with other cat.  Even though he likes his mate, but he cannot stop stealing food from her.  But I express how Oreo will make meow sounds when he is full and happy.  It makes a strong statement of how food can influent him deeply.

The message
I promised to deliver a letter
To a butler.
And I made sure it arrives
It was from Brooklyn
To Manhattan
And I was told that
The letter was important
Therefore, I must stay constant.
Excuse me, lad
Why do you look sad?
I made a promise to deliver a letter
To the butler.
The journey was long,
But I carried on.
By the time I arrived,
My feet were numb.
The butler was glad.
And the reward was the journey itself.
                In this poem “the message”, I was inspired by one of Robert Frost’s poems.  He has a hidden message for all his poems.  I wrote this poem to express how I learnt from my experience.   The journey is described as hard work and persistence.  Even though you weren’t award for this job, but you gained a buildup in a personal trait.

1 comment:

  1. I like the topic that you chose for your poem. Very Inspirational.
