Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cathy's Story poem 3


Memories are little moments,
that we'll always treasure forever,
Whether it's sad or happy,
we'll never forget them,
We always have to live in the moment,

Or soon time will fly by,
our memories are like kept in an infinite jar,
They'll always pile up but never stop,
everyday is a new memory,
where we can be adventurous,

and do what we want,
Although friends can come and go,
memories are forever,
That's why you should always make the best out of everything,
before its to late,

Memories are little moments,
that we'll always treasure forever....

Story Journal

              In this poem i wrote about how memories are little moments that we'll always treasure forever.We always have to live in the moment before its too late.Many people always worry about their future,and instead they forget to live in the moment and make new memories.Everyday is a new day to make memories.That we can always look back on.
              In the first stanza I wrote,"Memories are little moments,that we'll always treasure forever,Whether it's sad or happy,we'll never forget them,We always have to live in the moment."I wrote this to show that although memories are little moments, we'll always remember them.No matter if its sad or happy, we would never forget them. That is why we should always live in the moment.If everyone is always caught up about their future and worrying whats gonna happen.There is no happy or funny memories being created.
              In the next stanza i wrote ,"Or soon time will fly by,our memories are like kept in an infinite jar,They'll always pile up but never stop,everyday is a new memory,where we can be adventurous."I wrote this to show that everyday is a new day to create new memories.In this stanza i used many metaphors and similes. Such as "soon time will fly by" and "our memories are like kept in infinite jars".When i was saying "time will fly by" I didn't mean it literally.I meant that if you don't create memories then soon time will go by really fast without you realizing it.When i was comparing that memories are like kept in an infinite jar.I meant that your memories would always continue and pile up and won't ever stop.Just like how an infinity goes on forever.
              Finally, in the last stanza I wrote, "and do what we want,Although friends can come and go,memories are forever,That's why you should always make the best out of everything,before its to late."I wrote this to show that although friends can come and go, memories are always something you'll remember. That's why you should make the best out of everything and look on the bright side.Memories are little moments that we'll always treasure forever.

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